Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Nuance can be missed in this format. If we can be honest with ourselves we should be able to admit this forum is mainly for homers. I don’t mean that as an insult too often. Recruiting is inherently optimistic unless Dooley is your coach. This area attracts the diehards that primarily have hope on the horizon. If you question or challenge that, in even the smallest way, you will draw fire. It’s why there are complaints when people from the main football forum appear here. “What’s their agenda? They must be a rival fan.” The football forum is the “fire everyone” area and this is the “All In” area. Reality usually lies in between and we should be able to discuss it without being upset.
I do my best but it's hard to overcome my sunshine pumping heart sometimes. I try to live and let live but do sometimes fail.
Unless I missed it, your answer is that it will inconvenience people?

I don’t assume anything. You are assuming what I think. I don’t think there is some magic law or bill that will keep drunk driving or alcoholism from being a thing. Prohibition clearly didn’t work so why would I think this law would magically eradicate drinking and driving? I don’t know what the answer is for the problem, but I think maybe if it just keeps a few people off the road drinking and driving, at the expense of “inconveniencing” someone, if it saves ONE life, then it’s worth it.

Plan better. Make sure you have cold beer on hand in the fridge when you get home, or at whatever your destination is.

I’m not sure I even think the proposed bill is a great idea, but I’m not dismissing It out of hand.

Im on the opposite side of this debate than probably 95% of the population. I think alcohol can ruin lives the same way drugs can, it’s just more socially acceptable and even promoted. . I’m NOT saying everyone who drinks will become an alcoholic. But for the ones that DO become alcoholics, it destroys their lives and their families.
I'm a casual drinker. It may take be a couple of months to go through a six pack. If I do want a beer, I damned sure don't want to wait a couple of hours when I get home after buying it.
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