Recruiting Football Talk VII

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That's nice. I hate to sound cynical but it's also .01% of her wealth and a tax write off. It'd be like me handing you a quarter.
And yet, I still approve. My understanding is that she is very generous....not that I follow her much.

That makes no sense.

He was low ranked and become a complete stud.
That happened. It's not gonna UNhappen 🙄
It's frustrating for them. Erry time they trash a kid that nerds haven't evaluated as worthy, an ingrate like Tillman, Sutton, Khalil Mack, Jarrad Verse et al gets brought up and ruins their JUST FACTS fun. :cool:
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Tiger got the yips?
No, not the yips. He just wasn’t chipping particularly well. It was mainly a distance control issue on his chipping. His lag putting was off too. Riviera’s greens are tough. Quite frankly, Tiger has never played Riviera particularly well in his entire career (zero career wins there).

Tiger was playing with Justin Thomas, and was beating JT by two strokes at the time Tiger withdrew. JT’s putting has been absolutely atrocious. He is now at 5-over par.
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Re: Taylor Swift:

If she doesn’t give, she’s selfish and greedy because she can afford to give and how dare she not.

If she does give, she’s selfish and greedy because she’s only doing it to build her brand and she could’ve given so much more.

Also have to remember - this is a donation to one victim of one shooting, of many.
She may well do it for many more, who knows. Then she's talking $20 million a year and up.

No one really knows what she does overall but folks still join the haters' ball and are happy to be negative. Guess she is the better Christian country adult than the audience. Meanwhile rocks flying all over the place.
I blame ESPN (or sports media in general) for forcing her upon a bunch of people that really have no interest in hearing anything about her.
Imagine being an executive in charge of any major media network and going...

"Well, we do show celebrities attending every game, as we did obsessively for decades with Jack Nicholson, Spike Lee, Bill Murray, Ashley Judd...and hey there weren't widepread campaigns complaining about it...

But this singer that just put on, arguably, the biggest tour of all-time, nah let's just ignore it..."


The irony is, as usual, the retaliating reaction and, thus, additional media clicks, far outpaces the initial action itself. It's a wildly successful self-fulfilling prophecy by the naysayers. From a 30,000 ft view, it's just comical.

Be like 95% of VN and "never watch the NFL"...supposably.
if she would just be on the nfl….. i would be ok….. i barely notice her during games… Its the constant discussion about her on every single social media platform that annoys…. i can’t escape her.
if she would just be on the nfl….. i would be ok….. i barely notice her during games… Its the constant discussion about her on every single social media platform that annoys…. i can’t escape her.
Might need to change up your follows. Or engagement. Those are just simple algos. The reason she shows up anywhere is because people keep talking about her on social media...

Even if you stop to post your dislike of her...or watch a short'll see more of her.

It's like people complaining about tabloid magazines...then buying them...the frenzy only exists for one reason - and that's equally on naysayers as pumpers.

If folks would just let these things roll off their shoulders they'd slowly fade away. Celebritism, commerialism, materialism, it's all intertwined to make us good consumers, not citizens.
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