Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Back in 2013, we stopped in visitor center on our way to Durango, but we didn't have time to hike the dunes. It was our bon voyage Colorado trip before moving back east. I still remember being back there in Dec 2012, hitting refresh on Volnation, hoping to see that Butch had accepted our HFC job. At the time, Colorado had also offered. Man! If only, we might have saved 3yrs on the rebuild. Then again without Butch we wouldn't have Heup.
We walked around in them a little is a beautiful place. I really wanted to hike to Zapata Falls while we were there but I didn't I have time
This guy is so important right now, especially in places like Morristown where there's a huge Latino population. Having an ambassador like him to connect the anglo speaking population to the spanish speaking population in a meaningful way is crucial. I'm not sure he realizes how important his role may well turn out to be.
Yeah I live in Morristown and they are a lot of Hispanics
starches? i kid. caucasians got dat.
When I was managing restaurants we hired lots of Pigeon time this Hispanic came in with his Social Security card and we checked the numbers it was no good I told him ....the next day he came in with a different card and number that quickly.....shook my head and laughed....
Why is it's Latino population so big?

No one will admit this but it went from zero to that in a very short period because the factories and Koch Industries brought them in to work the factories for peanuts. It started in the last of the 90s early 2000s. At one point the largest illegal immigration bust in US history happened there. At this point though, there are a ton of 2nd and 3rd gens and legal immigrants to go along with the illegal ones.
Do y’all remember the players in the late 80s and 90s who would have a surgery and then they were playing again 3-4 weeks later? Michael Munoz is the one who I think of. He would have knee surgery and be starting again in less than a month. He had so many knee surgeries at Tennessee that he really didn’t do much in the NFL. In his late 30s and 40s , he could barely walk because his knees were already in horrible shape. He was too young for knee replacement surgery at that time.

I am glad that those days are gone at Tennessee. We have a coach who truly cares about the players in their present and future lives. That’s the kind of Tennessee that I am proud of.

Hernia repairs are fairly simple surgeries, but it’s imperative that the tissue is allowed to heal completely. Repairing a torn hernia repair is not a simple process and is worse each time they have to operate again.

Multiple times during the game, they showed Mays on the sideline. He looked miserable. I’m sure that’s because he knew he could help. JMO

Someone posted that they actually repaired 3 hernias. That compounds the recovery process as well. Plus, it’s different than a ankle, knee, elbow, shoulder, wrist, etc where there’s a brace that can protect the joint for practice and even games.

When Cedric Tillman had the high ankle sprain last year (tibia-fibula syndesmotic tear), they tried non-surgical treatments first, then ended up with a surgical repair. He attempted to come back too soon (I am sure he was hurting more than he let on). You could tell that he was not ready by his level of play. Now in the NFL, he is looking like his old self.

My bottom line is that there’s no game important enough to sacrifice a player’s future health by rushing them back too early. What it means is that the “next man up” really needs to be ready. You never know when you will need to play. Even the 3rd or 4th player in line.
You had me at "That’s the kind of Tennessee that I am proud of.". You had me at "That’s the kind of Tennessee that I am proud of."
RF, need your recommendations: Fam and I are to Colorado in a couple of weeks. Staying just west of Colorado Springs. Going off a list of the top attractions (Pikes Peak, Seven Falls, Garden of Gods, Royal Gorge). Also looking to trip over to Buena Vista and Leadville area. I was eyeing to take my kiddos on the Leadville & Southern RxR. Any additional must sees or attractions to avoid? Thanks in advance.
Kids will love the Cheyenne Zoo. It’s honestly one of the best zoos I have ever been too. Pikes Peak is cool, be sure to dress warm. It’s cold on that mountain. Garden of the gods is also pretty cool.
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