Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I see perdition in the forum.

I will resolve this situation this evening
Nick, don’t do this to @Glitch
He's pretty much going to prison for the rest of his life for raping two girls back in early 2000's of them was asleep and the other he held a pillow over her head.
I know. A POS. I figured he had enough money to buy him a light sentence.

Edit: maybe I was also hoping he found a way to end his miserable life also.
USC has all those fans but they can get only like 30,000 to attend a game.

Tbf that is a Lakers and Dodgers city to the core. Lot of USC fans, but for many it's their 3rd favorite team if that makes sense. And yes they have hardcore fans too, but it's different for most and it's changed since their Pete days. Ruined by ole Lane 🤣
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