Recruiting Football Talk VII

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This list looks made up…
Outside of a few schools, many track with alumni numbers (or other numbers in ND's case...). May not be a great way to do it though and I question it as well.

But fan engagement and care matter far more.

Also, UT is expanding its numbers bigly. I can remember when we were only a 20+4k grand total attendance school while osu and UF were far larger. We may be closing that gap.

But look at sellouts. NiL engagement. Merch sales. This is what actually matters.
@Weezer, how’s mom?
Staying the night in the hospital. I took her to her PCP yesterday and they ran bloodwork. Her doctor woke me up bright and early this am to let me know the results came back showing a significant change in kidney function. He said take her to the ER for fluids and tests. So she gets to stay at least one night for them to monitor her and run tests.

I better @bignewt so he can make another smartass remark. Don't want him feeling left out again.
Low blow, bro. Not alright.....
I'm thinking of asking @frank to make you our Glitch mod. You'll get to clear his notifications and prevent him from starting game threads. Bad things happen when Glitch starts game threads. I mean, my mom's kidney function was fine until Glitch started a game thread. Coincidence?
“Please son… I’m in severe pain and need emergency care!”

RELAX MA…. I’m fishing for likes over here!
Actually, I was waiting for her to get ready.

Fishing for likes. Funny coming from the guy who makes sure he starts all the player threads so no one will ignore him.
I have three teenage daughters. One of them is in college.

Ice Cube No Money GIF |
At UT?
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