Recruiting Football Talk VII

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that’s what i was wondering…. it didn’t sound like they had any evidence at all.
Yeah...but they said so it must have happened..

I really don't know about this case, haven't followed it...but 17 years? How can that be proven "Beyond a reasonable doubt"?

So much garbage has occurred during this Me Too crap that I have trouble believing anybody involved.

If he's guilty then I hope he gets what he deserves, but if he is just guilty of being a rich a-hole that pissed off the wrong gold diggers...then I hope they rot.
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I'm thinking of asking @frank to make you our Glitch mod. You'll get to clear his notifications and prevent him from starting game threads. Bad things happen when Glitch starts game threads. I mean, my mom's kidney function was fine until Glitch started a game thread. Coincidence?
that’s what i was wondering…. it didn’t sound like they had any evidence at all.
If the evidence is that weak it will get over turned on appeal. All the more reason to keep out of situations where you can be accused of something like this.. Don't know if he did it or not. If he did, then he should be punished.
Staying the night in the hospital. I took her to her PCP yesterday and they ran bloodwork. Her doctor woke me up bright and early this am to let me know the results came back showing a significant change in kidney function. He said take her to the ER for fluids and tests. So she gets to stay at least one night for them to monitor her and run tests.

I better @bignewt so he can make another smartass remark. Don't want him feeling left out again.

If you had told me ahead of time, I’d have supplied the days old tuna sandwiches, the out of date M & M’s and days old leftover coffee for your trip to the ER. It’d been better than what you had to chose from the vending machines.

Seriously, let us know how mom is doing. Not much I can say, but been there. Need anything or just a person, Slice and Joe have my personal.
Staying the night in the hospital. I took her to her PCP yesterday and they ran bloodwork. Her doctor woke me up bright and early this am to let me know the results came back showing a significant change in kidney function. He said take her to the ER for fluids and tests. So she gets to stay at least one night for them to monitor her and run tests.

I better @bignewt so he can make another smartass remark. Don't want him feeling left out again.
dang sorry to hear brother
They were all in the Church of Scientology. The girls claimed the church leaders suppressed their complaints over all the years. They filed their claims against him after leaving the church.
i read that part but that’s still not evidence…..
If the evidence is that weak it will get over turned on appeal. All the more reason to keep out of situations where you can be accused of something like this.. Don't know if he did it or not. If he did, then he should be punished.
i agree you shouldn’t put yourself in that situation but the majority of males will continue to do so….. i think he is probably guilty and where he belongs….. just curious if they had any actual evidence.
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