Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Billy Donovan isn't leaving the NBA fir this clown show of the NIL era, players leaving every 15 seconds for the portal and still having to recruit high school players.

Right now being a college athletic Head Coach is hardest job in America and yes I'm going to say it, not even $12 million a year would change my mind.
Billy Donovan isn't leaving the NBA fir this clown show of the NIL era, players leaving every 15 seconds for the portal and still having to recruit high school players.

Right now being a college athletic Head Coach is hardest job in America and yes I'm going to say it, not even $12 million a year would change my mind.
This stuff is a horror just to watch for fans, I can't even imagine trying to be a coach.
I’m suspicious of this for a variety of reasons. That said, I’ve always that the EPL does it right with relegation and promotion. It makes each game count and rewards/punishes teams for their results far more than draft picks. So if true, which again I think it isn’t, I’d be okay with the relegating/promotion idea.
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This stuff is a horror just to watch for fans, I can't even imagine trying to be a coach.
It's great for us, imo. I dig it. Our programs are succeeding across the board. I think the biggest voices in the media rail against it for the same reason that I approve: it is increasing parity. No wonder Saban was irate.

But I understand why some people don't like it.

At least so far, Heup, Barnes, and Vitello are rocking the portal.

I think it's too early to conclude that Barnes won't pull multiple rabbits out of his hat this year.
I just read a couple of articles from this morning about the Kentucky hiring debacle. The spin seems to be that this is a sign that the "blue blood" status is becoming relatively hollow in the NIL era.

What I really dislike is that it is ignored that Barnes has really owned Calipari and Kentucky. It looks to me more like people are just taking it from Kentucky, which I think is the case. Not that a bad hire is the cause. It's more the effect. I'm really proud of what Barnes has accomplished.
It's great for us, imo. I dig it. Our programs are succeeding across the board. I think the biggest voices in the media rail against it for the same reason that I approve: it is increasing parity. No wonder Saban was irate.

But I understand why some people don't like it.

At least so far, Heup, Barnes, and Vitello are rocking the portal.

I think it's too early to conclude that Barnes won't pull multiple rabbits out of his hat this year.
There's no structure to the Portal or NIL across the board. Paying these players isn't the problem it's the chaos that nobody seems able to control.

I'm a person of structure in life so maybe that's my big issue.
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Looks like:
ZZ -> ZZ
Santi -> Shack
JJJ -> Dubar
Knecht -> Tyson
Aidoo -> Estrella

With sig. minutes from:
Gainey, Carr, Phillips, and Boswell

That still leaves 2 scholarships available iirc. There's a couple PGs with 2-3 yrs of eligibility left we are talking to. There's an international prep player who might be coming in soon for a visit. Nobody seems to know the name but Traore (FRA) was mentioned. Looks like our primary post target is Chinyelu who should have 3 more years. And supposedly Awaka is back in the fold 👀
Happy Friday

April 12, 2024: Be careful that you do not get overwhelmed. You do not have to fix everything in your life all at once. You have time to sort out your issues thoughtfully and come to a logical conclusion. Your strength will be in your ability to have patience. Romans 5:1-4 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; an perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Looks like:
ZZ -> ZZ
Santi -> Shack
JJJ -> Dubar
Knecht -> Tyson
Aidoo -> Estrella

With sig. minutes from:
Gainey, Carr, Phillips, and Boswell

That still leaves 2 scholarships available iirc. There's a couple PGs with 2-3 yrs of eligibility left we are talking to. There's an international prep player who might be coming in soon for a visit. Nobody seems to know the name but Traore (FRA) was mentioned. Looks like our primary post target is Chinyelu who should have 3 more years. And supposedly Awaka is back in the fold 👀
Miraculously Awaka isn't homesick anymore, as some had stated earlier.🧐
Strangely, Barnhart made a home run hire for Kentucky’s moribund women’s basketball program, but a C- hire for their otherwise very healthy men’s basketball program.

These days, it seems like a storied history hurts more than it helps.
Spent all his money on VTs coach and ran out😂
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Be sure and email KNS about what lovely journalist they have working down there s***tting on the university @Ulysees E. McGill look at this horse S***

If John Adams thinks your take is ****ty, then your take is probably unfathomably ****ty.
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