Hey Braves fans:
April 12, 1966
Exactly 105 years after Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard opened fire on the Union garrison at Fort Sumter, the North retaliated with their own blast – in the form of a two-run round tripper by Pirates’ left fielder Willie Stargell.
The extra-innings home run spoiled spirits in the brand-new Atlanta Stadium on April 12, 1966, packed with 50,671 fans eager to witness the Braves arrival to the Peachtree City from Milwaukee. It was an anticlimactic ending to what was a four-day long welcome held in honor of the team, featuring everything from cocktail parties to a city-wide parade down Peachtree Street, as schools and businesses closed for the historic day.
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Tony Cloninger throwing the first pitch in Atlanta Braves history..............