Proud Dad moment:
My daughter did something I explicitly told her not to do this past weekend. She called me from a local swap meet/flea market to tell me there was a booth selling some puppies who didn't look so good. I told her not to bring home any sick animals......... And she completely ignored me and brought home the sickest pup of the bunch.
I've put off posting this because the pup was in bad shape. They were asking $100 but she pointed out the sick baby and offered $20. They gave it to her and she brought it home. She was eat up with worms, bacterial gut infection and fleas. We put her up in the living room and kept her away from all our other animals. We took her to our vet the next day. She got an IV, wormer and some meds. They told us to keep her hydrated and if she made it the next 24 hours she had a chance. It was touch and go for a few days but the last couple of days she has completely turned around.
She did exactly what I would have done..... Even when I asked her not to...... She made the right choice. And she's paid for all of it out of her own pocket. She goes to school, cheers and is the only senior coordinating the cheer team for a small until school squad and works about 25 hours a week. She amazes me, is the most empathetic person I know and is better with people than I could ever be.
This young woman has decided she wants to do pre vet courses at Tenn tech or UT Martin and attend UTK veterinary school.
Juno, is what she's named this pup, she's Australian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix...... The first life my daughter has saved. Good Lord willing there will be many more to come.......
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