Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Brings back so many horrid memories...but remembering all of that hell and what my life has been like since just reinforces this simple powerful truth..

Sunshine ALWAYS follows matter how dark, how hard it is, or how long the storm lasts...Sunshine always follows rain.
Thanks. I needed this today. Reminds me of an Andre Crouch song. I know there will be some rain but the sun is gonna shine again and I’ll be praying for you.
Seems LA Vol previously left when there was a dispute with another poster (Notorious… ) LA was critical of the CKC hire similar to the lady vol mafia and McGill called him out. Since it seems CKC did well recruiting the portal, maybe he could admit he may have been wrong. At least give her the benefit of coaching her first season.
This was it. And McGill said something like oh so your one of those and off he went.
80 years ago today my grandfather was a new father, me Dad having been born the day before in Chattanooga Tennessee..June 5th 1944...he didn't know that he was a new Dad because he was in England with the Corps of Engineers waiting to go ashore as soon as a beachhead was established. He went ashore sometime on the 7th and he didn't find out about my Dads birth for several weeks thanks to all the obvious chaos of war going on.
I’m not sure when my grandfather arrived over there but he was shot in the helmet which saved his life. He was captured by German forces and became a POW.
Whatever me and him was arguing about...I don't remember it being about that.
I get it. The issue is, he has not provided that. He just fired a coach for not being able to recruit at an elite level and hired a coach with even less experience in getting the kind of players the LVs need. And she will be forced to recruit out of the portal immediately. So we'll see. are one of THOSE aren't you?...just sneakier and quieter about it.

Wow. That was pretty uncalled-for, McGill. You obviously DGAF, but if you're wondering if you crossed a line-- you did.

That was the exchange.
Always respected his legit connections and the information he shared from them. He’d ride even mostly, but when his personal OPINION ramped up, he wasn’t shy about getting PERSONAL and touchy. Hated losing him, but don’t cotton to ultimatums either. Happy huntin, LA.
I don’t see why people get so touchy and offended over convo on a message board. I wish LA had stayed around… He never really broke any info though… It was usually after something had happened and he explained the thought process behind it.
From what I’ve gathered, our men’s hoops team has one open scholarship left.

IF Hurley leaves UConn and IF UConn hires another P5 coach (Pearl), that would potentially put UT in a situation to add another complimentary player. I know they left one roster spot open, due to the always changing landscape.
Kellie Harper almost beat South Carolina. People forget that.
Almost only counts for so much…. It was still just one game…. She was a poor/average recruiter and won less than 60% of her games at her previous 3 coaching jobs…. I love Kellie but she never should have been hired.
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