Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Brings back so many horrid memories...but remembering all of that hell and what my life has been like since just reinforces this simple powerful truth..

Sunshine ALWAYS follows matter how dark, how hard it is, or how long the storm lasts...Sunshine always follows rain.
Yes Sir šŸ’Æ
Expensive Vodka is such a dumb concept. It is by definition supposed to be a clean neutral spirit. So you are either paying extra for even less taste (filtering), paying for taste (against the definition), or more often than not paying for marketing.

Tito is criminally bad at the later, but God bless any good business man. Especially a US one.

Dumbest of all is when people take expensive highly filtered vodka and dump chemical bomb red bull into it. Hahahaha

Buy Smirnoff and get your buzz.
You couldnā€™t be more wrong
I know it hurts the kids now but when they get older they will understand who you are, what you protected them from and that they are well grounded and functional adults because their dad cared that much about them.

My dad left and moved to Scotland so he didn't have to pay child support. He came back when I was 20 and my middle brother was 18. Had we not lived by my mom's family we would have starved. She worked crazy hours and dealt with a crazy oldest son (me) but she is a foundational rock and I respect what she has done more and more throughout the years. It was tough but it made me the man I am today. Successful, a dad that is consistently in my children's lives, a great husband and now a grandfather to a 1 year old girl and a set of twins on the way. Because of you your kids have a shot.
Well said Brother šŸ‘Š. Youā€™re exactly right
This is not directed at anyone, but it is an observation for me that I think might help others.

There are people on this board that I am sure are great people in their own right, and who i would happily donate to or pray for, but I just don't communicate well with them. When I block them (reluctantly) it allows me to avoid getting wrapped around the axle about some posts, but still see the important things they might share when I select to, and I do. So if I ever block you it doesn't mean I don't check on you. Just not all the time. I would welcome people to do the same to me if I in any way distract from their joy. I post a lot. Some of it is shite. Lol.
The Lady Vol hire was underwhelming to say the least. The vide I got from LA was he thought the hire was beneath the Lady Vols. I was of the mindset f "anyone not named Pretty Holy".
He also stated that pretty Holly was safe and wouldnā€™t be firedā€¦.. Glad he was wrong about that one.
The Lady Vol hire was underwhelming to say the least. The vide I got from LA was he thought the hire was beneath the Lady Vols. I was of the mindset f "anyone not named Pretty Holy".

Wasnā€™t a fan, still not sold, but at least sheā€™s recruited decently so far.

Only thing that matters is wins and losses though. Guess we will see.
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I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten ā€œout of characterā€ when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be a mixed bag of answers, but Iā€™m just genuinely curious.
No, never had these kind of issues myself.

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