Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Nope...not to the extent he did it...he was the biggest jerk I've ever seen on VN to this day...and that is saying a LOT.

There was a guy that was from Pheonix on here a few years ago that was a normal good poster, I can't remember his handle now...but like all of a sudden he just started being a a complete d!ck to everybody...about everything..for a while and then he just vanished.

I never understood why he turned like that 🤷‍♂️
Can’t reference his screenname and ever see your post again. 😉
Got my MRI results. Tibia fracture that didn't show on the x-ray and a complex meniscus tear. Have an appt with an orthopedist.
Figured you were broken somehow, but just assumed it was a brain injury.

Just kidding. Hopefully they can get you all fixed up soon.
Yeah. I just used to get a lot of crap for being more thorough than some have the reading ability and attention span to follow. Usually I just responded that no one had to read what I wrote if they didn't want to. But it was usually the ones who wanted to disagree with me who complained I wrote too long (included too much support for my opinion).

I guess it is a flaw with some people. I've just developed a habit of trying to fill in the background when talking with people. In my career, I've always thought of it as a sign of respect to explain things fully to employees when I tried to change their opinion or assign them something to do.
I'm always typing with my thumbs on here because I only access the forum on my phone. I'll just say that having a discussion with you isn't mobile friendly, so I stopped responding to your posts a couple years ago. Reading ability and attention span aren't the problem. I think it has more to do with the value an individual puts on the topic at hand. For example, you might want to go into great detail about the failings of Jarrett Guarantano while most folks probably don't care enough to pursue that topic in much depth. Nothing wrong with that on either side, everyone should enjoy and use the forum how they best see fit (within the rules). I don't have any ill will towards you or anyone else for using the forum in a different way than I do. I mentioned you because I thought Weezer might've been thinking about you.
Some people that actually knew him say that he was actually a really good dude that did a lot of good things for folks in real life, and that his VN persona was just him goofing around talking trash.
pretty much. i didn't know him all that well, but turns out he was friends with some guys i was friends with....had a few beers with him long time ago.
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