Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I asked my wife, who is a high school Science teacher, if mitosis really is a means to achieve cell division OR is it not in fact, what will hurt if you steps on my feets?

FYI, she stepped on my feets to prove her point.
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Yeah. I just used to get a lot of crap for being more thorough than some have the reading ability and attention span to follow. Usually I just responded that no one had to read what I wrote if they didn't want to. But it was usually the ones who wanted to disagree with me who complained I wrote too long (included too much support for my opinion).

I guess it is a flaw with some people. I've just developed a habit of trying to fill in the background when talking with people. In my career, I've always thought of it as a sign of respect to explain things fully to employees when I tried to change their opinion or assign them something to do.
Who cares? All this WNBA drama the media is drumming up feels like WWE, contrived and sensationalized to try to attract more viewers.

I can't wait for this momentary spike to subside so I can stop being assaulted by media shoving it at me everywhere I go.
It’s not a white thing. This is stupid. It’s a young player getting all the pub thing.

Never has’s the media portraying it that way to stir the pot and people are buying it…the race card being used grinds my’s shallow and part of todays problems as far as diversity
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