Recruiting Football Talk VII

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The best part about the WNBA is the product is so bad I don't have to worry about if it is marginally better with Caitlin Clark.

I am all for women's sports, but if it is something guys play too and are better at I don’t watch the female version. To be fair, I don't watch men's beach volleyball either because the women's version is far superior. Same for gymnastics. Softball is good because it is a different sport and it goes faster.
Never has’s the media portraying it that way to stir the pot and people are buying it…the race card being used grinds my’s shallow and part of todays problems as far as diversity
I mean we will never know what is in a person's heart and for sure there could be some feelings on this topic. You will not see me share mine though. 😆

The one I will share is that women love tearing each other down.
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Dodgers lucky to get out of Pittsburgh with a victory. You guys have 6 more years of player control on Jones and Skenes. Get some Bullpen help and another starter and Pirates should be good. Maybe add a couple of journeyman pitchers and bats.
Always my hope, but getting better bats is the issue. The bullpen was ranked pre season as one of the top 5 in baseball. Had several injuries and people not performing to expectations. They have a stockpile of pitching prospects that I hope they will dip into for some proven and contract controllable hitters. Easier said than done. It is funny they play the Dodgers so well. They were 5-1 against them last year.
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I mean we will never know what is in a person's heart and for sure there could be some feelings on this topic. You will not see me share mine though. 😆

The one I will share is that women love tearing each other down.
I agree with women tearing each other down.

Reminds me of high school when one female talking about another one sleeping around, when she is doing exactly the same thing.
what is up with the oven mits these players are putting on when they get on base. seems to be more often. is it safety equipment to protect fingers and/or wrists?
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what is up with the oven mits these players are putting on when they get on base. seems to be more often. is it safety equipment to protect fingers and/or wrists?
Yes, it's to protect the fingers when sliding head first. They became popular in the pros anfew years ago and now have trickled down to every level.
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Nico was so ridiculous in his first start with an o-line that was suspect and average receivers. I didn't have any doubts after that.

Hendon was great, but Josh is right. Heupel die squeeze every bit of potential out of him I think. Hendon was a good athlete with a solid arm and great poise.

Nico is bigger, a great athlete, elite arm and has great poise. I feel like it's his legs that will make a huge difference. Hendon was a good runner, but Hendon couldn't run for 3 TD's like Nico did. Nico is much faster and is just a more natural runner I think.

It's only a matter of how good our receivers and o-line is.

All time favorite post:​


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I have ask this over and over about most recruits over the last 5 years do they ever lift weights .There has been just a handful in that time that has impressed me. Most guys I look at can barely bench more than they weigh and can not squat very much either. you would think that there would be some country strong guys or something . I did not play football after my freshmen year because it was a waste of time cause I do not like to loose and my freshmen year we lost at Webb 7-6 and lost 4 or 4 more by less than 10 and Gatlinburg Pitt beat us by 25 we won 3 games. I did not think that I was big enough to play in collage at 5"11 180 but last time I spent in weight room was beginning my senior year and I was benching 385 5 times squatting 700 coaches would not allow me to try more than that but I was leg pressing 1000 pounds and I walked around the weight room with 500 pounds for 5 minuets at a time stepping up on my tip toes. and I ran a 4.6 -4.7 40 and to see 6,5 265 pound guys benching 325 and squatting 425 is pitiful to me I could reach down and grab 300
Wish I could find the post, my favorite ever...think it was on VQ...but it was a German poster that said he had just moved to the states recently. He and his wife had gotten really into UT football... much so that they would wake up early on Saturdays and practice OL blocking techniques against one another for hours trying to hone their skills. He went on to post his height, weight, AND HERS. Some big ole German folks to say the least.

The board had a field day with it. It was a truly hilarious read...he went into all sorts of odd details of their "practices".
I know @StoVol was involved and got his wife the money VN raised after his tragic passing. Don’t remember if you knew the family personally. Was wondering recently how they were doing. His accident struck me significantly because I was waiting beside my wife in the hospital for her journey.
Actually @ArizonaVol set up the goFundme. He and I delivered a check for over $10,000 to his widow. I was so proud of you morans here.

I knew him because our kids both played on the same youth football team. I used clues in his post to discover both our kids were on the same team. I approached him at a practice After figuring out who he was. He was shocked when I asked him if he was RichRollin. It turns out there were two other posters that either had kids on that team or a different age group. Small world. After that we got to be friends and he referred to me as his fence leaning buddy (where we leaned against the fence to watch practice).

The family seems fine. I haven't interacted with his wife or kids since my son and his graduated high-school. Last time I spoke with him was giving him a ride home from school one day. I see his widow on Facebook. She's found another significant other but I don't think she's remarried. Their youngest who was a baby at the time is in high-school or middle school now. I think he plays baseball.

Edit: I remember what you were going through with your beautiful wife.
Wish I could find the post, my favorite ever...think it was on VQ...but it was a German poster that said he had just moved to the states recently. He and his wife had gotten really into UT football... much so that they would wake up early on Saturdays and practice OL blocking techniques against one another for hours trying to hone their skills. He went on to post his height, weight, AND HERS. Some big ole German folks to say the least.

The board had a field day with it. It was a truly hilarious read...he went into all sorts of odd details of their "practices".
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