Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Exactly. I want to see the galaxy.
Now on to serious stuff. How’s your mom and you today? True story, you remember when I had my hip replacement last year? Two months later, my mom had hers also and then about a month later, dad had a hip fracture. I accused them both from stealing my thunder 😂.
Man wth happened?

5-3 when I stopped listening and we lose 10-8?!?

Kirby fall apart or something? Hopefully Zander has a good outing.
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Our bats chased the pitcher instead of taking balls and making them pitch to us and capitalizing on their mistakes when they did.

They pitched well enough to win but we play smart on offense and we win that game easily.
Exactly!! More than half of the strikes were balls we swung at. Our batters failed to be patient today trying to beat them to a pulp.
They are good team and hit those pitches..they were very efficient at the plate and we were not.

If we play our best and they play their best tomorrow we will obliterate them....but desire and records to this point ain't gonna make it happen.

💩 happens in short series doesn't ever make sense when it happens.
I think we arguing the same points…. I said that we didn’t play that well…. especially our pitchers missing their spots this game…. you said that if we play our best that we would annihilate them…. I said that it will be our worse loss in history…. you said that it would be the most painful loss in history.
Now on to serious stuff. How’s your mom and you today? True story, you remember when I had my hip replacement last year? Two months later, my mom had hers also and then about a month later, dad had a hip fracture. I accused them both from stealing my thunder 😂.
I guess we're both doing as well as can be expected. Just takes time to heal.
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