Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I was waiting...

They are all angry about the way they lost their coach, but think they can take Tony away in the same manner. I was wondering did teams try to hire Saban every year? Tuscaloosa isn't exactly a center of entertainment and fun. At least in Knoxville there is a lot of benefit to lure a person.

It has been and is crystal clear that we have coaches who are fully invested in TN. They not only love the program they are leading, but they are massive fans of all of our athletic programs and university. This shows that. For all the wondering in the wilderness we have gone through, we are blessed to have these coaches leading us now….and Danny White! It is always great to be a Tennessee Vol, and it is especially great right now. Hope we get to enjoy this for many many years.
You know, another good thing about having TV as our head coach is the fact that we will never have to worry about him jumping to the MLB like some schools do with certain sports.

I’m sure he’d be successful, but he’s the type of guy you’d have coach a 16-18 travel ball team. He just isn’t made to hang around other adults
Happy Wednesday. I know the SAS news puts a damper on some of the celebrating, but thankfully she believed too and would never be better.

June 26, 2024: You are progressing nicely, but you still have a ways to go. I will send the help and provision you need to succeed. Be strong and of good courage, and never lose hope or allow your faith to lag. I am with you always, says the Lord. Matthew 17:20b If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
I'm sorry. It's bad news, my friend. @SweetasSoda passed away today (Tues) at 12:59 pm. She was never able to recover and ended up in a coma before passing away. It's a sad day for the VN RF. And of course for her family. You can see details by searching for the posts by @VOLSONLY. It is amazing all the people here who were touched by her without ever having met her in person. I figured I would answer you here lest it be in player's thread.
Hate this. I am among those touched from a distance. Don’t know her history or motivations, but her execution on these boards made her heart and her character evident.

Prayers for the family and those lucky enough to count her as friend.
Yeah, I don't feel bad for them. I just want them to go after their a-hole ex coach. In a serious way, with a serious charge. Not just whining. Force him out of his Texas deal and leave all three of them -- SausageBagel, Texas, and TAMU fans -- with nothing but being pissed. At least TAMU fans would fell vindicated: that's why I think they might have the energy to put into it. Their own TAMU AD would prolly backstab them, tho. TAMU AD had the chance to go big against lying Saban and cowered. That imo was the opportunity of a lifetime.
Their coach pulls these shenanigans and much of the media elites don't have one bad word to say. Our coach celebrates a momentous occasion in his life and the life of the university he represents and they come out of the woodwork to declare him a classless heel that you just can't cheer for. This is why we say that the media is biased against us. This is why we say ESPN hates us. This is why we want every other team to lose every other game they play.
Is it?

He’s mentioned Bama and OSU because they had the odd year outside the top 5. They’re probably 2 of the 3 best examples of consistent top 5 recruiting.

Clemson and OU had comparatively cupcake conference schedules that we won’t ever have the benefit of. And Michigan, they are around 10th I believe in average class over the last decade or so. And they were stealing signals, so there’s that.

We prob don’t NEED consistent top 5s to win, but it sure as hell helps. Especially considering our path always runs through about half a dozen consistent top 10 recruiting teams. Where we are now, 8-10 every year seems not only doable but likely, and it’s not nega or a criticism of the staff to say it’s a goal we should have. We are already headed there it seems.
BOT was pushing it as a RULE. a MUST to get Top 5 classes to even have a chance at a title. the facts simply don't support that.

I am not saying elite recruiting doesn't help. I was pointing out when half of the top teams break your rule, your rule isn't a rule.

and I would argue OSU's schedule is a cake walk too. Only having to play Michigan and Penn State? We saw last year that Mizzou, and Ole Miss were better than them. We are always going to play a tough sled in the SEC adding Texas and OU doesn't dramatically change that, like adding Oregon and Washington/USC did to the Big I Can't Count. heck even UCLA who is mediocre raises the AVERAGE difficulty of that conference.

2022 showed that we don't have to have consistent Top 5, heck or even Top 10, to beat Bama. Winning a title always involves a bit of luck, stacking recruiting classes doesn't change that.

8-10 is a far cry from Top 5. and realistically being 12th vs 8th isn't much of a difference. One player will make the difference there, and with the random attrition of the season and the transfer portal that one player may not even play a down.

and further this ignores what the expanded playoff will do to the odds of making it in.
Are programs (not just coaches this dumb chaos 💩 effects) not supposed to have any protection? all want just total chaos?
I think people just want a level playing field (no pun intended) for everyone. If a school can fire a coach or a coach can up and leave a school at the drop of a hat with no real negative implications to either except some money changing hands from one big pot of money to another, then the kids should have some level of recourse too. These are kids. Many of them don't have solid adults in their lives guiding them to the wisest decisions. They see everybody else getting filthy stinking rich off of them and their peers and they naturally feel that they should get something for their efforts.

I know, and agree, that a college degree and free room and board, and nutrition and medical care for 4-5 years is not nothing. However, when the networks starting making billions and the schools started making hundreds of millions and the coaches/AD started making millions, and that was where the money stopped....

I was never a big proponent for outright paying players. I think there was probably a responsible way to do it where the integrity of the sport(s) stayed more intact. However, this is where we find ourselves and I don't think we can put the toothpaste back in the tube. All me can do now is try and clean up the mess as best we can and try to move forward in this new world were we find ourselves.
Is this accurate??? We seriously don’t have at least a 50% blue chip ratio?

Doesn’t include transfers, so I’m assuming it’s using the kids original HS ranking which would be mostly right.

Brazzell, McCoy, etc. were all 2 star guys IIRC

We’ve also had a lot of guys that were 4 stars in HS transfer out
There is no doubt in my mind she held on long enough to be here when we won it all. She knows. She knows. My heart is broken but I know she's smiling and we are all so much better for her being here with us. I will miss her so. Beautiful lady with a beautiful soul.
"I can't go just yet, Father. There is one more thing, one more victory I need to witness here. Can we please wait just a little longer?"

- @SweetasSoda (without a doubt)
sad-tigger (1).gif for us, but man is she living it up now..times like this is why this verse is one of my favorites..

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.

Not a fairy tale to me...
Indeed, brother. Indeed.
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