Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Of course you did.
We won in black despite our AD previously saying we would only play national title games wearing Orange.
Whats a promise to a fan base when the players overrule you, I suppose.
We are now the Big Black and White.
Pantone 151 Orange is so old school.
it should be permanently replaced By Black.
heres hoping we change all of our uniforms to black and just use orange as an accent color
its what all the kids want…so, I’ve decided to stop fighting it and will embrace it.
Go Big Black!
Will now torch a full closet of Orange clothing. At least, black makes me look thinner.
Do you need a diaper change
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Not one person has yet addressed the content of my posts. Just snarks that I posted them.
if you could care less about our colors and think I’m an idiot for pointing it out, that fine.
just engage in the subject.
Molehill, meet mountain. Our colors are still orange and white. Everyone has alternates, especially in baseball. Not a big deal. We won it all, Brother. Revel in it.
Imagine you're a deer running through the woods...... You stop at a brook to drink water, you press your tiny deer lips to the cool water and........bam! some hunter blows your deer brains out all over the place........... Now I ask you...... Do you really care what color jersey the guy was wearing?
Since no one has answered you (so far), I'll say that I recall he was said to be working out on the sideline starting about spring practice 4. He returned to work out on the field sometime the second week of practice. Someone said he had on a knee brace in the O&W game. I didn't notice it. About three weeks ago someone quoted AP as saying in response to a question that Leacock "has a long way to go." But Leacock has only been on campus for one year, as you know. I suppose he will be a redshirt freshman this year. I really can't say much of anything about what he looks like playing. Is he the kind of guy who could see some time on special teams in the meantime?
Thanks again Orange. I know that the kid worked his tail off last summer, spending more time on the jugs machine than anyone else. There's a lot of nuances to playing WR in this system. The outside guys have 3 route options on most plays and have to be on the same page as the QB in that regard. It can take some time to pick it up, considering the pace of the offense as well. It's not as complex for the slot position. This year should be the deepest we've been at the position with guys that they trust seeing the field (barring injury) with Bru, Squirrel, Thornton, Webb, and Nimrod all having seen significant snaps. Then the addition of Brazzell. I would think he should find a home on special teams if healthy. We should start hearing reports of how guys progressed during the summer in about 3 weeks. In ready for some damn football. I guess I'm going to snag the new NCAA game when it comes out. My ps5 is primarily used for my wife to watch streaming services right now. 😅
That would be wrong. Born in Knoxville . 66 years old.
black has never been worn in any title game as the PRIMARY color in any sport
Well see, there's your problem. 66 years old. You're obviously going through manopause and becoming grumpy. Can't fight nature.

Now tell those kids to get off your lawn!
I'm also smiling thinking about how triggered all our rivals are right now.

Tony V, our orange everywhere

Peyton Manning high fiving Morgan Wallen

I know this is tough for the bammers, doors, lizards, pups and kitties of the world.
Quoting me in light of Greg "Crimson Turd" McElroy 😁
Late on the uniform discussion, but my opinion on uniforms:

It should be the players/coaches decision on what should be worn. If the players want to wear black because they think it’s good luck, or because they just like them better then let them wear em. Personally, for the National championship I would have liked to have seen orange on white, but I absolutely love and was happy with wearing black
Apparently Danny White wants to see the sun blotted out from the sky. He wants to see it painted, painted, painted, painted black
Anytime I see a red room I want it painted black.

Mostly because red is Alabama and I want them erased from the multiverse.
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