Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I'm really the only one here with a bee in his bonnet over this, insofar as I know. Nothing will happen because the NCAA doesn't enforce its own rules except in an arbitrary and extremely crooked and biased way. So I'm done talking about it. But FYI, here is everything I've seen. It happened. Thanks to @TechnoVol.

After that, I posted everything to date I could find from the baseball forum (at the end of this post): #195,066

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I think the reason more isn't being made of this is we won the title. They attempted to cheat, and we won anyway.
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I think people just want a level playing field (no pun intended) for everyone. If a school can fire a coach or a coach can up and leave a school at the drop of a hat with no real negative implications to either except some money changing hands from one big pot of money to another, then the kids should have some level of recourse too. These are kids. Many of them don't have solid adults in their lives guiding them to the wisest decisions. They see everybody else getting filthy stinking rich off of them and their peers and they naturally feel that they should get something for their efforts.

I know, and agree, that a college degree and free room and board, and nutrition and medical care for 4-5 years is not nothing. However, when the networks starting making billions and the schools started making hundreds of millions and the coaches/AD started making millions, and that was where the money stopped....

I was never a big proponent for outright paying players. I think there was probably a responsible way to do it where the integrity of the sport(s) stayed more intact. However, this is where we find ourselves and I don't think we can put the toothpaste back in the tube. All me can do now is try and clean up the mess as best we can and try to move forward in this new world were we find ourselves.
The thing is...the FANS are the ones that truly get screwed, and WE are the obes that truly make all of this possible, but nobody gives one single 💩 about how all this affects the fans...that's what I want to change.

I'm glad our school and by extension our coaches have the philosophy we do..they seem to honestly try to do the right things the right way...and we better appreciate that.

Dear Trey Wallace

All well and good. But the part that concerns us, our team, our coaches, our fans, and our program is the stolen PitchCom that Schlossnagel's team illegally obtained during game 1. They derived benefit from it, lied to the NCAA umpires that they didn't have it, lied to our coaches that they didn't have it, and one of their coaches almost fought with Amick because Amick wouldn't stop telling the truth that TAMU took it illegally. That required us to change all of our signals and to go without PitchCom for the remainder of the series. The coach of that team doesn't need to be coaching anywhere.

Get on that story, bruh.

We won the game, so we don't gaf.

But if you want to go after Texas and ole SchlossSucker -- and also give TAMU fans even more reason to be pissed off at him (for humiliating their school by cheating in the CWS) and a weapon to go after him -- then go after Schloss on these incredibly important rule violations in the CWS with the intention to steal CWS. And demand that he get a coaching ban. That's some serious sh-t, bruh. They need to demand that he not be allowed to coach anywhere.

Is this you? @Trey1974 @Trey01
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That’s just it.
im not crying.
im not angry
ive accepted it.
nothing i can do about it.
just tell me that Danny White did not promise that all sports under him would wear Orange and White in national title games. He obviously changed him mind and let the players choose.
ok then.
im just saying that if we wear Black in a national title game, it should be named as our primary color.
Will be interesting to see if the players are allowed to choose should football or basketball ever make a national title game.
I really don’t care. He is the best AD that we have ever had and this is the best time for UT sports programs.
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Yeah that’s cray cray. That said, much like a victim of capital crimes, some of our people are having trouble ridding their BVS. Be patient with them, hope is not lost.
I'm not being patient with sh!t. If someone is still a miserable fk after these last few years, kick your empty can on up the road, and get to getting the hell out of here. Don't pass go, don't collect $200, and shove your "BVS" up your miserable a**.

We sucked for too long in our sports; and, not only had to deal with that, but endure the combination of jokes and sh!t-talking from our rivals, mixed with the misery (and, sh!t-talking) of our constantly miserable. Everyone say it with me now, THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!!! And, anyone with a brain, or anyone that a constant storm cloud doesn't hang overhead, knows it.

I will not be patient with them. I want them gone. If ANYTHING!!! negative is on your mind, this day, about Vol sports...I want you to fk off to Bamaville, or UGAland, or whatever other sh!thole you crawl out of each day.

I do apologize for my language. I know Oda wouldn't like that kind of language; but, I guarandamntee you, she'd agree with me.

Go Big Motherfreaking ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE! And, if we have to win in black, white, orange, or be it.
I'm not being patient with sh!t. If someone is still a miserable fk after these last few years, kick your empty can on up the road, and get to getting the hell out of here. Don't pass go, don't collect $200, and shove your "BVS" up your miserable a**.

We sucked for too long in our sports; and, not only had to deal with that, but endure the combination of jokes and sh!t-talking from our rivals, mixed with the misery (and, sh!t-talking) of our constantly miserable. Everyone say it with me now, THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!!! And, anyone with a brain, or anyone that a constant storm cloud doesn't hang overhead, knows it.

I will not be patient with them. I want them gone. If ANYTHING!!! negative is on your mind, this day, about Vol sports...I want you to fk off to Bamaville, or UGAland, or whatever other sh!thole you crawl out of each day.

I do apologize for my language. I know Oda wouldn't like that kind of language; but, I guarandamntee you, she'd agree with me.

Go Big Motherfreaking ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE! And, if we have to win in black, white, orange, or be it.
I admire your passion Sugar.

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