Recruiting Football Talk VII

Mitchell may very well put them over the top. Or bring Damian Lillard over. Didn't he have interest at one point?
Lillard prefers Miami, that's where he wanted to go before Portland traded him to Milwaukee. Hopefully in on Klay Thompson as a FA, his dad works for Lakers broadcasting and played for Lakers.
On the TexasAga forum last night a guy posted that Schloss spread the rumor that CTV was a drunk to keep him from getting hired at another program. CTV’s dad had enough connections to get him in touch with Van Horn.

Wish I would have screen shotted the post because it’s buried to deep in their page now and I can’t find it.

I seem to recall an article with Tony talking about being mistreated and taken advantage of by a former coach he worked for but didn't name the coach. Maybe it's this guy...or maybe I'm not remembering correctly.
Apparently there’s smoke to the rumors of Texas am going to the big 10.
I've been living in Texas for 29 years now and those two schools have a lot of hate for each other. Little brother and big brother. I don't know what the SEC gave ATM when they let Texas in the SEC. It wouldn't surprise me at all if ATM wants out now

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