Recruiting Football Talk VII

Proof...that even the good lord hates those dirty cheating lowlifes...
Easy now... remember, when they took up the artificial turf at Neyland they exposed a bigass sinkhole underneath. That whole area is a karst mess with water soluble limestone under there. When they built the north stands they had to drill deep caissons to find stable bedrock.
Correct. Being a sport or not has nothing to do with how athletically difficult something is. Gymnastics are arguably the hardest, but it's just a bunch of judges' opinions as to who wins. Something can be an athletic competition without being a sport. Sports require an objective metric to determine a winner. At least in my book.
McGill....How long have you "known" me? What % of my posts would you say are serious or not joking in any way. Easily less than 10%. The vast vast majority of my posts are light hearted or just flat out sarcasm. I am aware how difficult it is to get one hole in one, let alone two in one round, let alone two on back to back holes.

I understand your pain.

Life is better when people remember to laugh.
He was disrespectful towards multiple posters who did nothing but express their grief over the loss of SaS. To have the audacity to correct one poster because he didn't like them using the term "natty" and another because he took issue with their view of the afterlife was nothing short of an a-hole move. It comes down to basic respect for others, and while SaS might have showed him grace in that situation because she was the best of us...I'm not her. So, he can f off. He crossed a line and deserves the vitriol he has received.
McGill....How long have you "known" me? What % of my posts would you say are serious or not joking in any way. Easily less than 10%. The vast vast majority of my posts are light hearted or just flat out sarcasm. I am aware how difficult it is to get one hole in one, let alone two in one round, let alone two on back to back holes.

Golf sucks.
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