Recruiting Football Talk VII

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My wife complains about how I knowed it instead of I knew it. I'm terrible, like really terrible. She hates it and is constantly telling my kids to not talk like me. (She homeschools them and it drives her nuts) you can correct me and I'll be fine, I'm used to it.
My papaw that raised me always said it and I would always jokingly correct him..😏English grammar was always one of my best subjects so I would put it to good use.
It's ok, for the most part. This is Volnation, not an English class. Though, if you say something like 'I seen it'...I may come after you.
You want believe what I saw but when I seen it I was amazed. Then I told my significant other and when she saw it she couldn't believe what she had seen.🧐
My papaw that raised me always said it and I would always jokingly correct him..😏English grammar was always one of my best subjects so I would put it to good use.
Its funny that every time we visit my family in Benton and Delano she says that we all talk alike and murder the English language. She is like you and always excelled in English and grammar in school. I've mentioned it before but my first freshman English composition class in college I wrote a research paper with 3 aints in it. Luckily my professor gave it back to me to fix.
Its funny that every time we visit my family in Benton and Delano she says that we all talk alike and murder the English language. She is like you and always excelled in English and grammar in school. I've mentioned it before but my first freshman English composition class in college I wrote a research paper with 3 aints in it. Luckily my professor gave it back to me to fix.
Yeah while I excelled in English grammar, I’ve gotten really lazy about speaking it properly..aint’s, double negatives, and such.😙
Even after our time in the desert the past 2 decades, we STILL have a better win % than they do and our series is still close despite them beating us 7 times in a row lol. If that doesn’t tell you who Georgias real daddy is then I don’t know what will. Give it a few years and we’ll put them back in their place.

Yeah - we totally might flip it around going forward. No question there.

My only point was they passed us in a lot of areas (but not all areas, as you well noted on win%) by being a more consistent program the past few decades. The facts simply are what they are no matter how I may feel about them. You can go look them up.

They have had it easier with access to instate talent, but with NIL, the transfer era, and Tennessee/Nashville booming, those advantages may be dwindling. Time will tell!

Can’t wait to start beating them again.
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Y’all say a prayer for my family. My sister has two little girls (7 and 4). The 7 year old had a seizure when she was 3 and another one when she was 6. Now the 4 year old is heading to Vandy because she had one tonight. My sister is a mess. My sweet niece 🥹
All the prayers, Brother.
Happy Wednesday,

This one might have been for me, but I hope it helps you too.

July 10, 2024: When you get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done, quiet your soul and find a place of peace where you can take one thing at a time. Lean on Me, says the Lord, for direction and guidance. Refuse to allow fear of failure to engulf you. I am with you to show you the way. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Very welcome and needed
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