Recruiting Football Talk VIII

lol. Dunking on you is so easy because you just don’t do any research. Let’s take a deeper dive. How about TD to INT ratio? You can’t on one hand say stop using team accomplishments to measure individual players and bring up personal player stats.

Mahomes is #2- 3.48%
Allen is #16- 2.14%

How many MVPs does Allen have since 2020? Zero. Mahomes has one. Essentially the only way to compare NFL QBs is to use stats instead of team wins or a starting QB record. Also, Allen has not been the better pure passing QB since 2020.

Allen has 2 more TDs scored for every additional pick he's thrown more than Mahomes. So yeah he's more high risk/high reward than Mahomes. He throws more picks but he also scores more TDs. Seems like a good trade-off to me.
Did you even look at the stats?

The link you shared shows that since 2020 Mahomes has more passing yards, more total yards, more passing ypg, more TDs, less INTs, a better completion %, a better QB rating, more yards per completion.

And an MVP.

And on top of that has won multiple super bowls during that timespan.

Football is about scoring touchdowns not about how many yards you gain or how pretty your stats look. Josh Allen leads Mahomes and everyone else in the most important stat which is TOUCHDOWNS SCORED.

Mahomes has had better teammates and more luck. But when it comes to producing touchdowns no one comes close to Josh Allen.
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The biggest difference between Mahomes and Allen is between the ears. Allen has a lot of brain farts. There is more to being a great qb than physical tools.

No. Allen just has to do more cause he doesn't have a offensive minded head coach like Andy Reid to guide him nor does he have a Hall of Fame TE like Travis Kelce as a safety valve. Put Allen in Mahomes shoes and the results would be the same. Put Mahomes in Buffalo and they would be worse.
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Football is about scoring touchdowns not about how many yards you gain or how pretty your stats look. Josh Allen leads Mahomes and everyone else in the most important stat which is TOUCHDOWNS SCORED.

Mahomes has had better teammates and more luck. But when it comes to producing touchdowns no one comes close to Josh Allen.
Football is about winning. The most important stat is winning the Super Bowl.
I was not going to respond to you. The simple answer is that we will never know because he chose to juice. It's clear to me he didn't need them. It's also clear to me he broke the rules and with that comes consequences.

Everyone was using steriods back then and he was way better than everyone else. There's no argument for not having Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame. All this does is make baseball look bad.
Thank you. I was admonished by a band of regulars simply because I called someone out for this. There is somewhat of a “you can’t sit with us” attitude by some of the regulars in this thread. Being a regular does not always equate to being knowledgeable. That goes for any topic.
Yeah, you need to go back to your table. We still don't want you sitting with us.
Football is about scoring touchdowns not about how many yards you gain or how pretty your stats look. Josh Allen leads Mahomes and everyone else in the most important stat which is TOUCHDOWNS SCORED.

Mahomes has had better teammates and more luck. But when it comes to producing touchdowns no one comes close to Josh Allen.
Not when it comes to solely passing. Mahomes is the better QB. Almost everyone who really knows ball knows this.
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Everyone was using steriods back then and he was way better than everyone else. There's no argument for not having Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame. All this does is make baseball look bad.
Prove everyone was using steroids back then. Saying that doesn’t it. Tons of guys made into the HOF without steroids. Look at guys like Ohtani. He is tearing it up and not juicing. People like you need to face facts that guys who juiced don’t deserve to be in the HOF.

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