Recruiting Football Talk VIII

This. We need to see this team truly stress tested before getting too high. Now, if Tennessee just wants to blow everybody out, I'm good with that. How does Nico do when it's really close? How do the receivers perform under tighter pressure? This weekend should tell us a lot. If Tennessee underperforms, I'll be surprised and my BVS will be activated.
I honestly can’t remember the last time we were going on the road to an extreme hostile environment against a ranked team where I had 100% confidence in a win. Even 2022 LSU I was skeptical. 2022 UGA I knew would be tough. It’s fun to be excited the week up to it rather than nervous and anxious. I’m sure nearing kickoff the nerves will creep in as they should, but it’s refreshing to really expect a win rather than having to talk yourself into it.
It’s what bourbon is for.
This. We need to see this team truly stress tested before getting too high. Now, if Tennessee just wants to blow everybody out, I'm good with that. How does Nico do when it's really close? How do the receivers perform under tighter pressure? This weekend should tell us a lot. If Tennessee underperforms, I'll be surprised and my BVS will be activated.
Yea I'm not going to go full blown blowout this Saturday night vs Oklahoma. I'm going to go conservative and say .

31-21 Vols.
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The BVS in me hates all the talk about the game and all the folks picking UT. That being said, that talk comes when you're winning and that talk makes zero difference for elite teams. If we're elite, then it doesn't matter. For some reason I don't think it matters to this team. Looking forward to the game.

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