Recruiting Football Talk VIII

A little sad update on my little white cat. She disappeared about 2 weeks ago. We think she went off to die. We've looked for her around the farm with no luck. We think she was about 18 which means my youngest was 6 when we got her. She's been an awesome kitty and blessed our family for a very long time. I'll miss her. She and I had our little thing. She would greet me when I came home and she would meow that sounded exactly like "hello" and I would answer back "hello". 🥲
Hugs 🧡
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Something unrelated to our game that I was thinking about was that UK appeared to know UGA's calls last week. Watch the replay and you'll see KY defenders pointing to where the ball was going. I think it is the reason a team that got waxed by USC went to the wire with the number one team in college. I think it was due to Dumas (UGA's most veteran LB) transferring to KY, but it provides further proof that MI had a distinct advantage.
I just can't fathom Kirby being so stupid that he'd keep the se signals from year to year with all the players transferring out.
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A little sad update on my little white cat. She disappeared about 2 weeks ago. We think she went off to die. We've looked for her around the farm with no luck. We think she was about 18 which means my youngest was 6 when we got her. She's been an awesome kitty and blessed our family for a very long time. I'll miss her. She and I had our little thing. She would greet me when I came home and she would meow that sounded exactly like "hello" and I would answer back "hello". 🥲
Sorry to hear that, we've got two very old ladies at our house. It's never easy, even when you see it coming. Sorry for your loss!
Still not sure what Heather Denitch's credentials are.
Will there not be a game week ou breakdown thread?
Fat Bastard Maybe GIFs | Tenor
I'm betting Heard plays--- they'll give him some cortisone via shot, tape it up and tell him to play smart... Next week is a bye week and then we won't need him at Arky, so get in there and protect Nico the first half at least...

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