Recruiting Football Talk VIII

You're a globalist putz...I love my country, I still wanna beat the crap outta everybody everything.

Guarantee you the Japanese care about where he is from...they love their country no matter what.
Japan is somewhere I’d like to move when this all falls apart. Still very nationalistic and traditional. Their main problem is not having kids, but that’s the case for the entire developed world.
Guys and gals, my family and I have been at the ER for most of the night (my mom and brother are still there, and Im about to head back that way). Any prayers you could send up, and any love you can spare is greatly appreciated.

My 85 year old granny fell last night and broke her hip; and, they're doing surgery later on. As you know, I've been living with and taking care of both her and my mom for the last 3 years, helping them both beat cancer. I was back here in my part of the house, and heard her land in the kitchen (that's how hard she hit, that i was able to hear it from my room), then she screamed something terrible. I ran in there and my heart broke. It was the most awful, most pitiful thing I have ever experienced. She was/is in bad shape, and in an extreme amount of pain.

She just got past being sick...beating breast cancer here in the last bit, and doing so with a broken back; yeah, she's been through the ringer the last few years. I just took her Friday for tests, after she felt another lump in the other breast. The radiologist said it didn't look like anything to be concerned about, fatty tissue or such; she has her Dr's appointment, for the actual results, coming up. However, the contrast she drank for the MRI broke her out from head to toe, and she was itching something fierce Friday night into Saturday; she was feeling somewhat better from that yesterday, before she fell last night.

Anyway, again, please keep her in your thoughts, if you will. She's a trooper, and one of the toughest gals I've ever had the pleasure of knowing...if anyone can get past this, and come out stronger than ever on the other side, at her age, it's my granny. I'm a hardened pipeliner, who's worked underground and around heavy equipment for most of my life, and I believe what she's been through, and going through, would've killed me. I'm not even joking! She's BEYOND tough as nails.

Absolutely this household believes in the power of prayer, as we are a prime example of it. The good Lord has been amazing to us, and blessed us abundantly. He's seen us through time and time again.

Thank you all, and hope you have a safe/great day.
Geez...Just saw this

Prayers my friend.
Who is Jake taylor? We need their offensive line woes to continue this week.
He was the catcher for the Cleveland Indians back in the day. Knees gave out on him towards the end of his playing career, but he had an incredible walk off bunt against the Yankees in one of his last games.
Japan is somewhere I’d like to move when this all falls apart. Still very nationalistic and traditional. Their main problem is not having kids, but that’s the case for the entire developed world.
One of the reasons they are still like that is that is they don't just let random people move there lol. They are almost 98% Japanese, one of most homogenous countries in the developed world.
Apparently, your pupils are the last body part to stop working when you die. Yep, they dilate.
Sir Frogsworth — (Warning: This post contains a puppy pooping gif....
Completely agree with everything you said McGill. Ohio St. was eating them alive in that playoff game but blew it.
Yep...that is about how I think a game against them on a neutral field would have gone for us that year...I also believe if that game was at Neyland in 22, we would have straight up beat them, I don't think it would have been a tossup like a neutral field game would have been.

Georgia has been fortunate with us so far with the home-away schedule..they got us at home when we were loaded, and got us at Neyland when we just lacked the horses, especially at QB.

Make no mistake...tommorow we need Nico to be the transcendent talent he is supposed to be. We don't really need him to go supernova (would be awesome if he did though), but we do need him to not spazz out against a confusing defense and a very hostile loud crowd, and to run the offense smoothly and efficiently.

That may not be fair to a redshirt Freshman starting just his 5th game against one of the best DCs in the business...but he has to be a real weapon as the game goes on..whether he does that with his arm or with his legs like he did against Iowa does not matter...all that matters is he has to move the chains and move us down the field...and absolutely do not, under any circumstances turn the ball over.

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