Recruiting Football Talk VIII

To clear something in for you idiots that did not understand me earlier..It occurred to me just a bit ago that some of you jerks mind automatically jumped to "Racist fascist American pig!" because of what I said about Ohtani..

I don't care if they are Asian-Latino-Black-White-Native or any combination of those races...I just want AMERICANS to be the greatest in everything. I don’t even understand how that is even a little controversial.
It ain't controversial. The Americans know what you mean.

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To clear something in for you idiots that did not understand me earlier..It occurred to me just a bit ago that some of you jerks mind automatically jumped to "Racist fascist American pig!" because of what I said about Ohtani..

I don't care if they are Asian-Latino-Black-White-Native or any combination of those races...I just want AMERICANS to be the greatest in everything. I don’t even understand how that is even a little controversial.
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I’m on page 1395 and you’d think the season was over because 1 player is hurt not named Nico. Jesus
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