Recruiting Football Talk VIII

In game last night they posted the ESPN percentage to win for the rest of our games. The only two we're not favored in are, of course, Bama and Georgia. Oddly, they gave us a 1% better chance to beat Georgia. It was like 45% chance against Bama and 46% chance against UGA. I say oddly because we play Bama at home and UGA on the road. Seems to me, that between the two teams, they'd give us better odds of beating the one we play in Neyland. Especially when we beat them the last time we played in Neyland.
Both the mutts and the bammers watched that defense and messed their pants.
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I didn't notice this during the game but on Okies' long TD throw both Arion Carter and Christian Harrison slipped and fell on the sh-t Okie field. It was the field.
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Watching first half right for first time. Just watched Bishop slide on a simple cut back.

Crap field.
Hyatt and Tillman haven't gotten a fair shake in their spots. It's the reason Hyatt requested a trade in the offseason. They're not getting the snaps or the looks when they're on the field.

Part of that is on you as a player to build trust and work for it, but if the deck is stacked against you because the franchise has more invested into other guys that sucks. Hyatt particularly has the skills to have plays designed for him.
True. All reports in the offseason for Tillman and Hyatt were both extremely positive. I just feel like their teams invested more in getting other players so they aren’t getting any plays drawn up for them. It’s hard for players to get into a groove when that happens.
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Hate. Cafego hated Vandy and set a perfect example for us all. Not only football. Asshat Corbin and the Whistler (who deserves to be ejected from every game) suck, too. And F Vandy basketball. I even hate their women's bowling team, if that's really a thing and not a joke. But I really wanted to see Vandy piss in DinkyWick's cheerios yesterday when they had the chance. Was pulling for Vandy big time.

Now I hate Vandy even more for choking.

But I'll prolly pull for them in a lot of meteor games this year. 😂
I think it worked out perfectly. Dickwitz stood firmly in his business and Bandy still sucks.
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No worse than watching the Titans stink up the joint every week.
Yeah, but that's a given, since we live in Tennessee, we are getting the Titans game, every week. Dallas is the national game and they suck. I would rather watch SF and the Rams. Maybe they will finally realize the Cowboys aren't very good and they mix it up, a little, after this week. Sorry, knox, maybe we will get more Eagles games ?
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