Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Lane runs tempo as well, and wants the fake injury situation dealt with too. He probably wants to force it into conversation and force the NCAAs hands to deal with it. You know... Like CJH does on extra points?

I can't stand the dude, but also don't want to be a hypocrite cheering for our guy doing it while calling their guy an ass for it.
We don't do it when it matters...huge difference, but yeah kill it all would be good.
Ole Miss has that feel like if they lose one game it's just going to completely come apart
Ol Piss is either getting exposed...or Kentucky has become a real problem.

Maybe a bit of both....but everybody here should take heed of this...there are no easy games in the SEC, every game week is a minefield.
Kentucky fans always make sure the Vols HEED them. 😴 Every…season…noise…😴
Ol Piss defense may have similar numbers as us to this point, but the difference is 100% obvious...they don't play violent like we all.

I think that's why all the talking heads haven't been praising them like they do us.

Tha Pis defense looks like ours the last few years...not really awful, but not great either.
I don’t like on field cheating if it’s tiny or if it’s large. To an equal degree. Gotta be harsh across the board if you want things to change imo
If you can't tell the difference in slowing the game down for a couple minutes after a made PAT, and flopping all over the field to slow the other teams offense down...then you are blind.

I don't like it, but it is absolutely nowhere near the same.

But if they wanna stop it all...I won't complain.

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