Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Yup. Their make OUs oline look competent.
At least OU's line is decimated by injuries. They may still be hot flabby cheeks, but at least they have an excuse. Lube U is hot flabby cheeks without the injuries and we can all see it
You still haven’t pulled the snap counts, nor acknowledged another person showing 3 of the Baron sacks coming against the VAUNTED Florida A&M juggernaut

Try harder buddy. I’m getting sleepy before this entertainment ends
Please explain how it matters what team the sacks come against. How many sacks did Pearce have against Chattanooga and Kent State? So is Florida A&M any worse than those two teams?

Maybe instead of your pathetic retorts, you can bring some actual stats to refute mine. I will await and see if you can come up something other than your usual banal hyperbole.
Marco loves a good argument, even if it doesn’t make sense. He’s a genius, just ask him

Oh I’m just playing. No need to rag the dude really, he’s not wrong. I just get heated with officiating. Easier to scream “the fix is in” than to outline everything actually going wrong with officials. I sure hope they aren’t making bets on sporting events they are working (or even ones they aren’t) but in this economy it wouldn’t surprise me 😉
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I think that is actually is the truth of it.

The Naysayers can't handle the truth that sometimes absolutely crooked 💩 happens, and us Tin Foilers can't handle that it's not always corruption.

I simply can not believe that believe it's always above board.

If people are involved and especially if money/gambling are potentially involved then you can guarantee there will be a certain amount of corruption and that doesn't even account for personal biases. These guys are a bunch of average joes. It's not like they are judges who tend to be more impartial and objective than your average person with the occasional exception.

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