Recruiting Football Talk VIII

“If this call is missed (which happens in college football quite often bc the refs aren’t professionals and not all of them are good at their jobs), then the game is fixed!”

I like this, it’s easy being a conspiracy theorist.
If you think that’s easy, you should try extreme naïveté!

“Every game or circumstance of a game is above-board, no exceptions.”
Lol...Kiffy kitting some need tell him what to do on 4th down.

I know we use analytics too, but Heupel doesn't handcuff himself to the freakin book, I think he also goes by feel of the game, and situations.
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“If this call is missed (which happens in college football quite often bc the refs aren’t professionals and not all of them are good at their jobs), then the game is fixed!”

I like this, it’s easy being a conspiracy theorist.

Figured with your pfp you’d be on board. Well boys hang it up we’ve got ourselves a coincidence theorist
Today my heart is heavy for all the people hit hard by the storms. May we all find ways to help where we can. Even if just a prayer.

Enjoy your bye week.

September 28, 2024: You must leave the past behind you if you want to progress. You cannot live in the past or entertain past regrets and move ahead at the same time. You will do one or the other. It is God's will for you to be the best version of yourself here and now. With God'S help you can do that. Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Thank you brother!
Helps today!! I believe!!
Probably somewhere in the middle...
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I think that is actually is the truth of it.

The Naysayers can't handle the truth that sometimes absolutely crooked 💩 happens, and us Tin Foilers can't handle that it's not always corruption.

I simply can not believe that believe it's always above board.

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