Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Your testicles will shrink but on cycle you'll be Woody the Woodpecker.
Every gain I ever made was natural.

Had a guy ask me if I'd like Deca once. He then told me he was Bipolar, and had a restraining order out bc he'd knocked his door down in a rage fit.

Not that Id ever touch that crap.

Never forget the story of a former pro body builder who's legs got gangrene at injection site. Maggots formed and infection ate them inside out. He lost both.

Again, if it isnt natural. It isnt meant to be.

Never forget, the greatest body builder of all time, Ronnie Coleman. Can no longer walk. Is it worth it?

Well, if its the difference in tens of millions of dollars, it may be. But, if its not. Probably not.
This has been a down Olympics for us to some degree. The Australians have kicked our tail in swimming. We silvered some track events we were expected to win gold in. I think we'll still come out on top with the most golds and the most medals, but there is work to be done with our Olympics program.
We need more steroids!
Every gain I ever made was natural.

Had a guy ask me if I'd like Deca once. He then told me he was Bipolar, and had a restraining order out bc he'd knocked his door down in a rage fit.

Not that Id ever touch that crap.

Never forget the story of a former pro body builder who's legs got gangrene at injection site. Maggots formed and infection ate them inside out. He lost both.

Again, if it isnt natural. It isnt meant to be.

Never forget, the greatest body builder of all time, Ronnie Coleman. Can no longer walk. Is it worth it?

Well, if its the difference in tens of millions of dollars, it may be. But, if its not. Probably not.
Correct. I could tell you stories all day. I have never done PED's but I was around that world for many years.
Correct. I could tell you stories all day. I have never done PED's but I was around that world for many years.
Admittedly, Stallone in his 40's and 50's. Dude was still a hoss. HGH gets it done for those that put in the work.

Think ill pass.
Every gain I ever made was natural.

Had a guy ask me if I'd like Deca once. He then told me he was Bipolar, and had a restraining order out bc he'd knocked his door down in a rage fit.

Not that Id ever touch that crap.

Never forget the story of a former pro body builder who's legs got gangrene at injection site. Maggots formed and infection ate them inside out. He lost both.

Again, if it isnt natural. It isnt meant to be.

Never forget, the greatest body builder of all time, Ronnie Coleman. Can no longer walk. Is it worth it?

Well, if its the difference in tens of millions of dollars, it may be. But, if its not. Probably not.
What happened to Ronnie Coleman could happen to any heavy lifter… He had herniated disks and hip issues from lifting insane amount of weight. I watched a video on a guy that took insane amount of steroids to see how big he could get…. It was disgusting looking at that guy.

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