Recruiting Football Talk VIII

You kinda just proved his/her point. Michigan is the cash cow. That’s why the commissioner is on their side.

The member schools want the door to be open for them to step into the cash cow role. The commissioner wants to protect whoever is the best because they have the best chance of bringing the conference more money. It’s what we’ve all been lamenting with sankey and bama for years.
I wouldn't really go that far. Punishing Michigan doesn't do anything to bring any more money to the other schools. This isn't a zero sum game in that way. Which is exactly what their commissioner would tell them.

It's more that competitive balance/fairness and brand valuation are two different things. And the league office is way more interested in the latter.

And for all the knashing of teeth around Sankey, he has been in UT's corner every time. From the Pruitt stuff all the way to the Nico lawsuit. Why? Because UT is a massive brand that makes the SEC a ton of money. No different than Bama.
The guy Seaton was bullied into fighting is a 6’8 340 pound 22 year old. Seaton is 6’5 285
That’s crazy to me. I have no ill will towards that young man (though I hated how his recruitment happened). If that happens in our locker room, I don’t want to know, though I don’t think it does. Any mom reading about it should push her son out of there, fast.
The guy Seaton was bullied into fighting is a 6’8 340 pound 22 year old. Seaton is 6’5 285
I take it Seaton won since the other guy transferred. It’s never the size that matters. But yea won’t be long before a murder is committed under Deion watch at this point. He already had a player get killed at JSU.
Happy Monday

August 5, 2024: Refuse to allow your mind to find things to worry about instead of putting your faith in Me to bring you through every challenge, says the Lord. Worry will get you nowhere except to undermine your faith. Ephesians 6:10-12 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
No gold for Simone Biles in the balance beam. That sux. But she'll have another event later today.
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Watching these young ladies do all these twists turns and flips is nerve wracking. Both Suni and Simone fell of the beam today, but thankfully they appear physically unhurt. I'm sure it hurt their pride, though.

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