Recruiting Football Talk VIII

So many in the media have bemoaned us replacing our entire secondary but we lost the only good player part way through last season and given where our secondary has ranked the past few years, have about a 95 percent chance of only going up. Worst case scenario for that group is that they stay exactly the same with an all new group of players.
I built my first when I was 15. Cost me about $700, most of it my own money but my dad spotted me a few hundred. I had a loose cable somewhere in the case that was touching metal and causing it to short the instant I tried to turn it on. I damn near lost my mind worried I had bricked the thing and wasted all of my + my dad's money. Biggest relief ever when I figured out that I all I had to do was tuck a cable out of the way to get it to boot.
It makes me so sad that right now prices are against builders. We used to be able to save a bundle building mid and high range but now you are better off cannibalizing an off the shelf build if you want to build cheap. The only real savings is at the super low end. CPU and GPU prices have been inflated for 15 years now and never really recovered from the shenanigans Intel pulled off against AMD that took AMD off the list of options for so long.
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Nope, but they keep saying it’s not serious. Heup probably being cautious with the kid. You have to find a way to get the ball in his hands even if misses all camp. He’s like those military meals, just add water.
Staff probably has a plan, like they did with Nico. No need to rush it. We have plenty of good WRs with more experience. Allows you to work these younger guys in slowly.
My daughter’s BF asked me to go to dinner what will be tonight. I think I know what he’s going to ask. I’m not ready for this.
If he's a good kid that will treat her right, love her, and provide for her, that's all you can ask for. No good father I've ever seen is "ready", but it's just another step in life.
My daughter’s BF asked me to go to dinner what will be tonight. I think I know what he’s going to ask. I’m not ready for this.

In his defense this gesture doesn’t happen often so I respect him for that a lot…it’s a dying respect in this generation that every father is owed who have been in their daughters lives since day 1 and took on the responsibility……

so anyway now that’s out of the way you be sure to tell that hot shot you got a gun that stays loaded,2 fist that still work and papaw @Ulysees E. McGill ready to beat him with a trailer hitch if he ever hurts her.along with the rest of the recruiting forum.😉😭😂😂 if your gut is telling you he ain’t the one say no but play it smooth😂..

Regardless of any circumstances she experiences in her life.she’ll always be your little girl @JacketVol 🥺 just remind her no matter how old she is she can always come to you for anything because you are her dad..congratulations buddy you lived long enough to see your daughter get married..truly an honor enjoy it.🫶🏽
Happy Choose Day

Choose to see the positives where you can.

August 6, 2024: It is time to resolve old issues. Do what you can to get to the bottom of the problem and seek Me for a solution, says the Lord. Then take the necessary steps to bring resolution. Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
I don’t know…. I consider: Being Obese, pain killers, psychotic medications, chain smoking, being an alcoholic to be more damaging to one’s body.

I am not advocating nor have I ever done steroids. I’m just curious what the actual facts are…. I like Diet mountain Dee and the female employees at my last job use to tell me all the time how Aspartame was bad for me. I told them that if they could prove it that I would stop. They brought me a few studies that took about five seconds for me to debunk. I realized that most of what we know is based on opinion that is told so much that most believe it to be a fact.

I am curious as to what the actual facts are concerning steroids. After watching a few videos/documentaries on the subject…. They don’t appear to be that damaging unless you over use them like the elite body builders do… Are they fairly safe under a doctor’s care? Arnold’s Doctor monitored him as he took steroids to compete. I appreciate nikberry bringing his own personal experiences. It’s an interesting topic to me.
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