Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I just hope we finish in first for the gold medal count. China is the only country that can challenge us. And there's still some table tennis and diving left, which they tend to dominate. Plus, I believe they have gold medal chances in weightlifting, boxing, and wrestling left. China is our new Soviet Union in the Olympics.
How in the hell us there more ping-pong left?
How in the hell is ping-pong an Olympic sport?
Many, many variables. If my wife or I had passed away in the last 6 years, we would have to spend money on childcare, which we otherwise didn’t. Those costs have gone up. Benefits or taxes taken from check. Groceries for 4 kids, extra curricular activities, home maintenance costs (I mow my own yard, but my wife wouldn’t), car note, eventual college costs. Starts to all add up.

It certainly helps later in life when you don’t have some of these costs. I want my wife and kids to continue to have our standard of living if I die. Just my preference.
There’s definitely a fine line, also don’t want to go too crazy to where my wife’s new hubby can be buying a new F-150 off my life insurance payout 🤣🤣

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