Recruiting Football Talk VIII

You know your Social Security doles out over $1000 per surviving child under 18?
I agree with your previous post about everyone having different issues. I only got involved initially because a statement was made that a single female earner should be able to survive if her house was paid. That blanket statement is simply not the case because there are so many other expenses with a family.

I’m going to try not to rely on the government if I die. I would like to make sure my family is taken care of based on my decisions and if they get more, then that’s a bonus.
I was recently thinking about how much our program owes to HH. His fit with the team and offense was perfect and its impact almost immeasurable. It gives some iconic moments and made us kinda cool, fun and not laughable for the first time in 15 years. Don’t think the program would be anywhere close to where it is if not for him.
I agree with your previous post about everyone having different issues. I only got involved initially because a statement was made that a single female earner should be able to survive if her house was paid. That blanket statement is simply not the case because there are so many other expenses with a family.

I’m going to try not to rely on the government if I die. I would like to make sure my family is taken care of based on my decisions and if they get more, then that’s a bonus.
Money YOU pay into Social Security isn’t the GOVERNMENT’s money…despite what the Donkey Party wants you to believe. If you have four kids under 18 and $4000 only takes care of their childcare portion, why let the GOVERNMENT keep the money you worked for?
Is he just trying to get us to forget his Coach Vitello comment? Show some class…
I think the Big Kahuna, the Big Cheese, the Big One Six, the Big One Eight, the Big Forehead...aka, The Sheriff, aka The GOAT, aka this guy...

...told the bammer to get with the f'n program, or he'll be cleaning the toilets at Omaha Productions.
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