Recruiting Football Talk VIII

People never cease to amaze me. I've already seen this comment: "If Milton was able to go to the NFL and get fixed this quickly why wasn't CJH able to fix him?" Hinting it's a bad omen and maybe CJH isn't a good coach.

I hope it's a minority of idiocy.
I'm more concerned they think a few good plays in a preseason game against mostly practice squad guys means he's fixed.
People never cease to amaze me. I've already seen this comment: "If Milton was able to go to the NFL and get fixed this quickly why wasn't CJH able to fix him?" Hinting it's a bad omen and maybe CJH isn't a good coach.

I hope it's a minority of idiocy.
People need to understand it was the first preseason game and Milton was going against fringe 2nd string mostly 3rd stringers or practice squad players
People never cease to amaze me. I've already seen this comment: "If Milton was able to go to the NFL and get fixed this quickly why wasn't CJH able to fix him?" Hinting it's a bad omen and maybe CJH isn't a good coach.

I hope it's a minority of idiocy.

Yeah, Milton earned the starting job here twice... Obviously he's a great practice QB.

Dobbs for example was apparently a bad practice QB...(also I'm sure Butch was to blame too) but Dobbs also doesn't seem to stick with any NFL teams for very long despite all the praise he's gotten for his in game performances. So has to be that in practice against the rest of the QBs on roster he looks bad.
People never cease to amaze me. I've already seen this comment: "If Milton was able to go to the NFL and get fixed this quickly why wasn't CJH able to fix him?" Hinting it's a bad omen and maybe CJH isn't a good coach.

I hope it's a minority of idiocy.
If someone is that naive then they probably aren’t worth arguing with.
Thought this was interesting.
View attachment 665859
Partially true. They also have desalinization plants to convert salt water into potable water. We have the same setup in the US Virgin Islands. We collect rain water whenever possible and then supplement with water deliveries by truck to fill our cisterns.
People never cease to amaze me. I've already seen this comment: "If Milton was able to go to the NFL and get fixed this quickly why wasn't CJH able to fix him?" Hinting it's a bad omen and maybe CJH isn't a good coach.

I hope it's a minority of idiocy.
Minority of idiocy? On this board? Yeah that seems as likely as life on Mars, Bigfoot being real, and aliens building the pyramids.
I’ve had 4 deer hit my cars in the past 7-8 years, 3 of them hit the same poor car. I always wonder what is going through their minds that they HAVE to cross the road at that moment.
It’s so bad in the winter, you could literally see them wait until you get right up on them and decide to just go with it. And I live in the suburbs of Memphis, can only imagine the country. I once went to party at Ole Miss and decided to drive back to Memphis the same night slightly drunk. Well, I started to notice all the splattered deer all over the highway and now I’m paranoid out of my mind. It was like every quarter mile it seemed, or maybe I was drunk. I drove back both hands on the steering wheel and eyes pretty much like this 👀 . I never been back to Oxford lol

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