Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I don’t confuse you with someone VNsplaining my posts. Didn’t declare stardom for either Hooker or Milton…or even SUCCESS. Just disputing this “expert” narrative parroted by you and your fellow betas that QBs from Heupel’s scheme have an inherent disadvantage because they’re in a “QB friendly system.” You know what other scheme was QB friendly? The Run&Shoot. Main difference is Heupel emphasizes rather than minimizes the running game…which the talking know-it-alls failed to recognize when Heupel was hired basically calling him a Mike Leach clone. In the Run&Shoot, Warren Moon made the HOF with much of the yards derived running that scheme…Scott Mitchell heads many Worst Signing of All Time lists running (badly) that scheme with Barry Sanders actually running the ball and Herman Moore as a weapon. TALENT transcends scheme. Respond if you need that last word…it’s available. 😴
I apologize for earlier…. I responded in ways that i shouldn’t have…. I do laugh at you calling it VNsplaining…. I hate that woke nonsense… I will apologize for it…. my toxic masculinity and even throw in some cultural appropriation as well. The Run and shoot worked to varying degrees of success in the NFL before NFL teams figured it out. It was much more successful at the college level. Warren Moons top two seasons was in the Run and Shoot…. The Run and shoot was also responsible for Scott Mitchell’s one great season… In 1995…. Mitchell (who I agree was a very poor qb) threw for 4338 yds and 32 tds. That was 2nd in the NFL to Brett Favre.

As for Tennessee…. the veer and shoot has never put elite players in the NFL. I do feel that will eventually happen as we are recruiting at an elite level. This system makes guys that are bad become avg… avg become good… good become elite… I think that is a positive and not a negative.The only way to beat this narrative is for some of our guys to break through and become studs. Go Vols!!!

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