Recruiting Football Talk VIII

China having such a strong Olympics, especially in swimming, is not surprising to me after Beijing in 2008. That was such a great Olympics and I think it really inspired a lot of kids and parents of young kids to aim for athletics. That's when Phelps and Bolt captivated the world.
to use HGH
China having such a strong Olympics, especially in swimming, is not surprising to me after Beijing in 2008. That was such a great Olympics and I think it really inspired a lot of kids and parents of young kids to aim for athletics. That's when Phelps and Bolt captivated the world.
The strength of their team was diving, ping pong, and weightlifting. Also shooting.
She's a 32% 3pt% compared to Stephs 42%. So tired of people crowing her the female Curry. She's great but she's not so good that she's a must have on the USA team as a rookie.
Choosing a Olympic basketball team is Politics. Diane Taurasi was a wasted spot just because she thought she deserved to be there.
I don't disagree with this.

I think we are muddying the waters adding animal-involved sports. Make an animal-sport Olympics for that. Keep man v man Olympics as such.

I'm not sure but I wouldn't be shocked if the historic Olympics had jousting and chariot races but those sports are so dangerous for the riders and animals.
Hobby-horse racing will be in the Olympics soon. . .

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