The brother of one of the TCU WRs was one of the ones killed.
I can’t understand how these folks think that the killing of random innocent people brings anything remotely close to sympathy for their cause. It’s time for the world to say enough. It’s time for an eye for an eye type of Old Testament justice.
Take every involved country that has had these terror attacks. Send every single strike team and simultaneously eliminate all of the terrorist leaders. If possible, make them stand trial on a worldwide public stage and then execute them just as publicly. If that’s not possible, then execute them during the strike and film it. As painful as death as possible. Burned alive, exploded, I don’t care, just get it for the world to see what happens when terrorists attack. Then repeat the world wide purge of terrorist leaders each time an attack occurs until it ends.
I don’t know if y’all remember this but when the US embassy was seized in Iran, the USSR embassy was seized at the same time. The USSR said that they had one chance to release their embassy hostages. This message fell on deaf ears. The next day, the heads of all the Iranians in the Iranian embassy in Moscow were delivered to the new government of Iran. The entire USSR embassy was taken to the airport and sent back to the USSR. Not public knowledge. I was told this years later. With this event, has there been a single terror event in Russia? I doubt it.
Speak in a language that your enemy understands. Make the response impossible to ignore.