Exactly what I meant. I don't understand it. But that just goes to show you that $ doesn't always = championships!! Last year it did, but they have spent 100s of millions of dollars and not won the world series. You still have to be smart, most of all, and you have to be lucky. Because even though baseball is not a contact sport in regards to football or hockey, there always seems to be a crapload of injuries throughout the year in MLB and I can't understand it to save my life, with the exception of pitching injuries because I do see how easy it can be to pull or tear something while throwing that hard and, as a result, you can't pitch until you are close to 100% because you risk reinjuring yourself or turning a minor injury into a season or career ending one. But like you were saying about not having a salary cap in baseball, I too agree that all sports should have a number because not all teams are equal as far as revenue is concerned. Bigger market teams bring in bigger paydays. Prime example = LA Dodgers. Their roster probably, and idk for a fact but I would bet on it, has the highest earnings in all of sports and I doubt it's even close. Sad. I'm a Cardinals fan and we are total opposite of LA. We are cheap, but seem to get the most out of the players we have or have had in the past.