Life is made of firsts and lasts............... It's really that simple.
From the time you are born your life is riddled with firsts........ And then the last come, slowly at first..... The last time your parents pick you up and hold you, the last time you play outside with your friends......
Still there are firsts coming your way, your first love, your first child......... And as those come you find you start living your firsts vicariously through your children.......
And then you notice many of their firsts are equalling their lasts.
This is where I'm at. Tomorrow is my daughter's last homecoming game. She's a senior and the year is already half gone. This summer I'll be taking her off to college.
Still so many firsts for her....... But my firsts will soon consist only of my lasts with her. I'm not ready for this..... The only difference between my lasts today vs when I was younger is I'm painfully aware of when my lasts come now. I couldn't tell you when the last time I played was.
I'll continue living vicariously through the firsts of my daughter..... We share those, her firsts become mine as well. Life comes at you quick, the older you get the quicker it comes.
I'm going to enjoy all the time I can, I've taken yesterday and today off to help my daughter make a float for homecoming.
I want all of you young parents to know ....... It matters. Being there for plays, recitals sporting events. Take the time. Your job is just your job, your duty is your children.
I've missed more than I should when I was a younger father.......... If I'd have only known how quick it all comes!