Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Yesterday was fun. Ready for Kent State next weekend and looking forward to SEC play after that. I think, and hope, that we will continue to get better as the season progresses. This has the chance to be a magical season.

I love Tennessee football.
I've got my game thread ready to go. @nicksjuzunk is being a little slow. It is already Sunday afternoon. I'll go ahead an post it. It is Kent State. What is the wurst that could harpoon?
Who has quietly played well 👏

One of the worst calls ever. I mean, I don't even see how an official would even be looking at Dayne in that moment. To me it looked like he was 3 yards behind the LOS.
It was iffy. As much as we’ve been jobbed by refs since forever, I can live with it due to the overall well officiated game.
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Speaking of different is our...perception..of Nicos game last night if the officials don't butcher that call?...and add in that fluke int.

Like I said...our offense really messes with our "perceptions"
I love that we actually adjusted, pounded it down their throat and used the TE's. We just said "OK, we don't need our receivers today"
Titans offense...
a group of men wearing native american headdress are standing in front of a tent with the words no way no way too high

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