Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I get folks that honestly can't check in regularly, that's why I don't mind answering questions.

But you know that if we only stayed on topic and only posted when there was actually news, this place would be a ghost town.
If you only want news updates, go to the Associated Press website.
Volnation life:

Post: My dog died.

Multiple posts: so sorry

Multiple pages: Here’s my dog photos

Multiple posts: Krystal memories

Inevitable posts: You treat your dog like what??!!!

Post: Colon pics if you want em.

Post: where’s da football talkz?

You missed @Smokeytom and his off-balance euro-rhythm.
"Why can't I pop in here once a month and find out what's up without all this clutter?!?!"

Know it’s a load off knowing she came through like a champ. Now, comes the babying her, enjoy!
Oh she’s ready! Have to wean her off chicken nuggets. All that we could get her to eat (and barely at that) during the darkest moments. I actually prayed for wisdom to make the right choice and I think it worked. Thanks!
Volnation life:

Post: My dog died.

Multiple posts: so sorry

Multiple pages: Here’s my dog photos

Multiple posts: Krystal memories

Inevitable posts: You treat your dog like what??!!!

Post: Colon pics if you want em.

Post: where’s da football talkz?

Post: Where's the colon pics you promised. (@utvols88 )
Volnation life:

Post: My dog died.

Multiple posts: so sorry

Multiple pages: Here’s my dog photos

Multiple posts: Krystal memories

Inevitable posts: You treat your dog like what??!!!

Post: Colon pics if you want em.

Post: where’s da football talkz?

Noticed you didn’t post any dog photos...

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