So here’s my take on this. If you start to build a house, you lay the foundation, put on roof, then start to install plumbing, electrical, gas service lines, etc.
I’m not saying Pruitt wouldn’t leave to go elsewhere, that’s just the nature of the beast. BUT, in my opinion, why would you wanna leave a school that has a rich tradition, can recruit with anyone in the country, you have a AD that BLEEDS orange, and a fan base that is bat **** crazy about the VOLS, and if given a little bit of time can return to a national powerhouse. And he can win TITLES here. He’s in a great situation and his family loves Knoxville. He could have waited out and went back to Bama as a assistant and then became a Head coach in waiting. Instead, he came to TN. He knew, with a couple good recruiting classes he could awake the monster that is TENNESSEE FOOTBALL. And make no mistake, TN belongs with the Elite.
And yes, I know he has Bama blood. I get that. But it’s gonna be awfully hard to follow in Sabans footsteps. Doesn’t matter who comes in after Saban, living up to those standards is gonna be hard for anyone. Saban is one of the best coaches of all time. Period.
There is also different personnel in charge at UT now. As long as Phil is in Charge, he will throw his weight around, no pun intended. People listen to Phil, he demands excellence and won’t settle for anything less. When he walks into any complex on campus, people pay attention to him, they know that he is Mr. Vol. He demands respect and gets it.
For the record, Phil really likes Pruitt. They have a strong bond and Phil knows the program is in good hands.
So for people that still say, “Pruitt is a Bama guy”, yes he is, but he’s also a VOL, and a think will be for a long time. If we start to win and win consistently, UT will pony up and pay him. And I don’t have any doubts that UT is gonna win and win big in the near future.
This class is going to change the VOLS. Better buckle up cause it’s just gonna get more crazy in the next few months.
Btw, got two that will

soon. Stay tuned.
Y’all have a great week.