Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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for anyone who enjoys history I found this to be pretty cool!..

A new scientific study claims that bones found in 1940 on the Pacific island of Nikumaroro belong to Earhart, despite a forensic analysis of the remains conducted in 1941 that linked the bones to a man. The bones, revisited in the study “Amelia Earhart and the Nikumaroro Bones” by University of Tennessee professor Richard L. Jantz, were discarded. For decades they have remained an enigma, as some have speculated that Earhart died a castaway on the island after her plane crashed.
I sincerely don’t seek it. I just get tired of it and I’m about to just take a break from it altogether. Every time I try and call this douche on his garbage, someone runs in and tells me I’m in the wrong every time so whatever. I’m just gonna shut down and shut up. Apparently it’s not acceptable to be passionate anymore or have anything good to say or even be sarcastic anymore without someone getting their panties twisted.
You do seek it, you are just not man enough to admit it. I have seen at least half a dozen people you have called out in the last week or so for being a Negavol. It’s your favorite pastime and pet project here on VN.
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Just curious why nobody has thrown out the Fulmer idea with all the success Mack Brown has had at UNC. Not saying I would hope for that. But crazier stuff has happened this year.

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