Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Hubbs just said the staff wasn't sure if Cody Brown was an early take. Ultimately decided to go ahead and take his signature early. Wow.

Yo this staff man..I’m telling yea.we are scraping for commits.settling for 3rd and 4th options and these guys are acting like it’s still may and tennessee is on a recruiting “high”..delusional as f***
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Totally and whole Heartedly agree, Father Time is Calling...."Let's F***** go"
Very influential folks are involved in this process
Money men, former VFL's, Politicians etc ?

Scale of 1-10.....2=Dooley, Jones 4=Pruitt 10=Saban........are We finally trying to go for an 8 or 9, like perhaps a Stoops, Myer caliber of coach ?
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