Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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except we won championships. that 97 SECCG 🤪

i remember getting upset about a cotton bowl invite
Barnes already has 1 conference championship...should have 2 once Wade's cheating wins are vacated. Will be the favorite this year too. That's what peak Fulmer was like. We didn't take a seat to anyone.
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What a lazy narrative when these national writers think they're witty by continuing to attach Tennessee to Rutgers/Schiano, just because they're beating meh teams

Because our program sure hasn't had success against Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern, Nebraska, or Indiana lately

If they moved us to the Big Ten West, even with Pruitt at the helm, we would be a top 2 program in that division within 2 seasons. Give me a break.
Yes I am a physician. And this based on the phase III study published in NEJM. It’s not really helpful to say “folks are saying” re: sterility but I don’t see how that could be the case. Additionally, to counter, you or I have no idea the long term effects of COVID and there are plenty of people with myocardial involvement even with mild/minimal symptoms.

A lot of governmental red tape was removed and they spend a good bit of money ramping up development and production while the trials were ongoing so it could be distributed as soon as the trials showed positive results. It’s an amazing feat in the midst of an enormous pandemic

Vaccines allow us to develop herd immunity much quicker and without the devastating morbidity and mortality of COVID. This means an economy that opens more quickly, fans in stadiums, and most importantly protection for myself, my family, my patients, and my loved ones who are high risk
Help me understand this vaccine. It's designed for our cells to create virus proteins then our immune system attacks those cells to remember the proteins?
Ill be blunt. I don't care who they are, the ones that are being dumb as hell over Freeze, they need to be banned from having anything to do with the program. They are the problem. They can **** right off, please.

There are people other than us that know more about Hugh Freeze. Not saying he’s a bad candidate, but that’s just the truth.

Kind of like why people questioned why Gregg Marshall didn’t move up more quickly at Winthrop or maybe even at Wichita State. The truth finally came out.
Am I missing something? His post post can be positive or negative depending on how it’s interpreted.

I kinda take it as maybe players already see the writing on the wall with Pruitt, like it or not some of our best players will be loyal to him. They'll have to get over it or move on with him. It is what it is.
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