Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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A team that has played 12 games going against a fresh team who has only played 6 has got to factor in some here right? I’m mean Ohio state clearly looks like the better team, but this is crazy

It’s also crazy people think Dabo ranking that 6 game team at 11 behind 10 other teams that have played anywhere from 9-11 games is controversial.
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Lol. For so long it was ‘Notre Dame is a joke. Join a conference and play a real schedule.’ Then they join the ACC and run the table. Lone loss in a rematch against a top 3 team. Still a joke apparently bc they got beat by 17+ vs Bama. What about this Clemson team? A joke if they lose by the current margin?

Notre Dame is simultaneously overrated and underrated. They are very good. Just not the elite of the elite. Top 5 in the nation? Probably. Top 10 in the nation? No doubt. Uwi likely leads Clemson back to the playoffs next year.
ND played Clemson without TL and 3rd stringers playing on defense. When they had to play 2 good teams they got beaten fairly soundly. ND is like 0-6 in their last x amount of NYD games outscored by 144 points, they don't deserve to be in the playoffs. I also don't put a lot of stock in the ACC there's one good team in that conference. Let them come play with the big boys in the SEC or go join the B10 who at least has a couple.
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