Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I wouldn’t consider it stupid to question it because Pruitt has made it a habit to lose games he should not and outside of the one auburn game.... he has not really came close to winning any game he shouldn’t.

But i do agree with your overall point that legit QB play can elevate virtually everything. The two issues are:

1. Where is a legit QB? Bailey? Perhaps. I like what I’ve seen from him so far. Transfer QBs are more of a possible upgrade vs a probably upgrade in general but we have to take at least one this year or it’s just dumb.

2. Does our OC and scheme give you hopes of finding that legit QB. Particularly regarding the transfer route the upgrades in semi recent all have a couple things in common: 1. They are plus athletes that can extend plays. (R. Wilson, mayfield, kyler Murray, fields,even franks for Arkansas) and they went into a spread system (minshew going to air raid at WSU is probably the outlier). We don’t have that system so we are going to be limited to finding QBs with plus arm talent which is must harder to find than great athlete that can improve.
In answer to number 2, no, I'm not confident in our OC or scheme. I'm confident in HB. Unfortunately I think Salter is going to be a dude, but not as a freshman. But who knows.
Except for the winning, yeah, TN and OSU are similar programs.:rolleyes:

Believing that social media and "perception" drives wins is nuts. Recruiting, coaching, and hard frigging work drives wins.

NOBODY in the social media world expected Clemson to get boatraced by OSU. Perception was: dang, Trevor is good. OSUs secondary is suspect. Bottom line: OSU was better prepared, came in hungry, and kicked butt the old fashioned way at the line of scrimmage.

Get outta here with the notion that "social media perception" makes a football team better.

Sweat and practice make football teams....... and you don't get those with your posting finger.
If you think Tennessee’s period of suckitude happening at the exact same time as the social media explosion hasn’t created extra barriers to a return to prominence, you are underestimating the impact of social media perception. Bama and LSU should think their lucky stars that their days of darkness happened before this age of tweets, memes, and instant feedback. And it definitely played at least some part in Ohio State taking the field last night with a team ranked in the top 3 of the 2020 College Football Team talent composite. Yes, coaching is most important. But social media perception is huge.
People used to laugh at their defenses...when it was just their innovative offenses that were superior. Now every conference is feeling that since they've adopted "Big 12" offenses. It's interesting to watch from the corner of folks pushing non-"big boy football" all these years. But it won't stop a small group from still wanting fullbacks, ball control offense, heavy RBs, punting on every 4th down, etc. I get some still revel in old school football, but I'd rather win.
I literally hate this pinball bull💩 and big twelve defenses suck ass and always have.
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