Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I feel like Currie was set on his friend Schiano from the get go.

Who knows though, maybe Tennessee made an effort to get him. Maybe the AD is just too dysfunctional for Jimbo. lol.
Nah. Currie wanted Mullen. He had them on the hook and gave him time to think on it which allowed for Florida being turned down by Chip and Frost. Then Florida offered Mullen and the rest is history.

Crazy to think how the East could have turned out if Mullen is here and Frost is at UF
To me, going 3-7 and getting blown out 7 times hurts the optics a hell of a lot more than anything we could do.
No, you want to protest Schiano because of his involvement in the Penn State mess fine do it. But there is absolutely no reason to protest either of the 2 coaches you just mentioned.
If we would have hired Patterson when we had the chance at TCU, we might still be relevant.
I used to dream of hiring Patterson. When I learned that he wanted the job and Hamilton turned him down I wanted to vomit. That was our shot and we blew it. The damage Hamilton did to the program is hard to quantify.
I feel like Currie was set on his friend Schiano from the get go.

Who knows though, maybe Tennessee made an effort to get him. Maybe the AD is just too dysfunctional for Jimbo. lol.
Tennessee had Dan Mullen wrapped up, that's why Currie was in the Bahamas. Things went silent after the egg bowl because they didn't lock him down early
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Nah. Currie wanted Mullen. He had them on the hook and gave him time to think on it which allowed for Florida being turned down by Chip and Frost. Then Florida offered Mullen and the rest is history.

Crazy to think how the East could have turned out if Mullen is here and Frost is at UF

And at that time this board as crazy head over heels in love with chip and frost. Crazy how wrong this board was
Is it TN law that a state job must be vacant for 5 days before being filled? If so, would this prevent us from making a Texas type move?

There is a similar law in Texas but it has an exception for executive hires so that’s why they could fire and hire the same day like they did. Pretty sure there’s something similar in Tennessee.

Going to be interesting to see Sark and Saban fight over him.

Pete Golding is like “I’m still here!”
Butch looked good because he was able to quickly flip a bad roster left by Dooley and added a lot of NFL caliber players. Butch got Dobbs to flip on signing day and Dobbs developed here into a great college QB. Someone either butch, or an assistant, had something to do with that, so i don’t buy into holding a good QB against a coach. Is jimbo fisher considered an elite coach if you take out Jameis Winston’s title and playoff appearance?

Also why are you barring Kiffin? It was a stupid hire. We were an elite program at that time and had far more quality candidates wanting the job, yet Hamilton chose to take a super risk. I think you could make the case that kiffin was the worst hire of them all because it’s the only time in our last 4 hires that Ut was looked at as a very desirable job.
I’m not saying the talent wasn’t there. I’m saying look at Dooleys year as coach. Some of the worst defense we’ve ever had. As far as Butch goes, look at his last year, post Dobbs. Still plenty of NFL talent on that team. That’s not even mentioning the year we choked away the East. And if you’re looking at it like that, then yeah you can make the argument that Kiffin wasn’t a good hire.
There’s no way of knowing who can get us where we should be tho. Unless you hire someone like Urban Meyer, Jimbo Fisher.... that has literally won at the highest level. It’s all a complete crap shoot. A guy i used to work with used to say Being the head coach at Tennessee is like being the president of the US.... you are never fully prepared until you are actually in the chair. I whole heartedly believe that.

Even the best candidates they may not even be realistic for us could come here and be an absolute flop. Matt Campbell, Kiffin, Freeze, Lincoln Riley, whoever. It’s never a guarantee.

I’m just ready to get someone in here and see what they can do.
Yeas I agree with that but not turning over every stone & contacting Campbell,Freeze,or any other coach that’s proven themselves in a successful manner is absolutely malpractice
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TL;dr version. Will probably be moot before the day is out.

I get the Marrone suggestion. CEO, older, stable, let the assistants do what they do, knows pro spread O's, and makes Phil feel like the Pillsbury Dough Boy. I get it. Will it shout, "Success!"? Nope. A more qualified and successful BOB is set to take the OC job at Bama if he doesn't get a HC gig in the NFL. So us taking a less successful fired NFL/Syracuse coach is meh to me. If that's what they choose to do, I will support it, because Lord knows we need to fire Jeremy and start over. But in 4 years I would expect to be back hear whining with the rest of you.

We all know that the upside is higher, quicker, with Freeze or Kiffin. Don't see UT agreeing to hire with their past baggage. Wish they would choose the path of the redemption story, but doubt they will. Herman is probably going to sit it out a year and may be a meh without some severe humbling. Napier is the prize, but with our admin he is probably going to wait on UF or LSU. Steele is hired. Like I have posted for days as well as others on here and TB/JA (the later I despise) indicates - that tells me they have the permission of their top HC choice(s). Steele is not the HC choice and no amount of back dooring by Phil and other supporters will make that happen IMO. Maybe an interim for a short period if they fire most of the existing staff - which is possible.

So that points back to Chadwell and Marrone. I get Hank and others wanting Marrone as discussed above. I would rather take a chance on Chadwell. Having studied everything I can watch on his O scheme now, I like what I see and I think it fits where the game is today. I think it is adaptable to the passing game and provides a balance that can go either way depending on roster talent and opponent. I think it brings excitement and youth to the game that is desperately needed at UT. We have become plodders and now, losers. I don't see this program doing anything new that they can excel at while having lesser talent for a long time to come. To me that speaks even more to the logic of Steele in the coaching room. After Mahlzahn's gimmicky mess of an O, he knows what will work and what will not with Chadwell's. The combo could be dynamic together if they are sold on each other.
I’m not saying the talent wasn’t there. I’m saying look at Dooleys year as coach. Some of the worst defense we’ve ever had. As far as Butch goes, look at his last year, post Dobbs. Still plenty of NFL talent on that team. That’s not even mentioning the year we choked away the East. And if you’re looking at it like that, then yeah you can make the argument that Kiffin wasn’t a good hire.

Butch is not a good coach. That’s my point. And look how close we were to being right there with elites. Hell we had the lead on bama with like a minute left. Look how easy it was for him to create that buzz for recruiting.

And even after losing Dobbs, Kamara, Malone, Hurd, Sutton, Barnett etc,...... we still should have beaten Florida in the swamp in 2017.
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